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Bone Gnawer - Feast Of Flesh CD

Produktinformationen "Bone Gnawer - Feast Of Flesh CD"
Originally the project was founded in 2008 as a death metal horror project under the name REVOLTING together with Kam Lee (MASSACRE) & Rogga Johansson from (PAGANIZER), which was a pure "studio project". Only when Ronnie Bjornstrom (RIBSPREADER) and Morgan Lie from (NAGLFAR) joined the line-up, the project became a "real" band. In this context, the previous band name was dropped and a new formation under BONE GNAWER was decided.

Stylistically, it's brutal Swedish death metal of the old school mixed with other classic, old-school US/death metal influences as well as a touch of classic death thrash from the 80s. Catchy, cracking guitar riffs, grooving drum beats and catchy choruses.

BONE GNAWER's content takes themes, concepts and influences from modern anthropophagi, the main overarching theme revolving around cannibalistic mutants and flesh-eating freaks in a bizarre, crazy and macabre world of modern cannibals and psychotic serial killers, as well as loose influences from horror films with the same themes.

Kam Lee - vocals
Rogga Johansson - Bass
Ronnie Björnström - Guitars
Morgan Lie - Drums

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