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Corrosive - Lucifer Gave Us The Faith CD

Produktinformationen "Corrosive - Lucifer Gave Us The Faith CD"
No compromises!

Founded more than 20 years ago, the Death Metal institution CORROSIVE from Marburg, Germany, after a split and the following ReUnion in 2012 release their new album "Lucifer Gave The Faith" these days, and showing once again who is the dare-devil! Their very own mix of classical death metal, Scandinavian and American style, the quintet is garnished with a dash of melody and brutality.

Already in 2016 the guys made an impressive return with their "The KIlling Room" EP and set the course for the current longplayer, on which they manage to preserve their destructive brachiality, which is well known from the innumerable live shows, without missing out on the joy of playing.

The present album was recorded in the Becker Studio Marburg/Gießen between July and September and was mastered by Andre Skopko. It is highly recommended to all fans of old school and steamrolling Death Metal!
Größe: XL

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