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SOUL GRINDER - Lifeless Obsession MCD

Produktinformationen "SOUL GRINDER - Lifeless Obsession MCD"
Brutal and versatile!

After the success of last year's debut longplayer "Chronicles Of Decay", the extreme metallers of Soul Grinder from Bremen follow up with "Lifeless Obsession", a 5-track EP that is quite something.

As with the predecessor, there is the finest death metal, from blast speed attacks to groovy steamrolls and mystical hymns. Without straying too far from the core of brutal death metal, the band offers an enormous range and a varied and entertaining listening experience.

On the self-recorded and self-produced EP, the band again features a guest appearance by Nachtgarm (Negator) on "Night's Bane (Nyktophobia)". Lifeless Obsession offers 5 hard-hitting tracks to bridge the waiting time until the next album!

1. Night's Bane (Nyktophobia)
2. Mercyful Fate
3. Terradeformer
4. A Worm's Repast
5. Lifeless Obsession

running time: 21:20

Mathias Junge - Vocals / Bass
Jan Resmer - Guitar / Backing Vocals
Matè "Balrogh" Balogh - Drums
Guestvocals: Nachtgarm - Negator bei Night's Bane (Nyktophobia)

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