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HELGRINDUR - Helgrindur - lim. DigiPak Boxset

Product information "HELGRINDUR - Helgrindur - lim. DigiPak Boxset"

limitiertes BoxSet mit DigiPak
- Alubox with original artwork/sketch drawing *
- album as limited DigiPak /w 24 pages booklet
- embroidered wirstband with bandlogo *
 - stainless steel bottle opener *
 - printed patch (10x10cm) *
 - postcard/autograph card

* illustration similar

New Wave of Pagan Metal!

After their 2017 debut "Von Einst", the busy Pagan/Black/Death Metallers from Helgrindur have caused a stir in the local scene in recent years, especially through their live presence (e.g. Aaargh Festival, Mahlstrom Open Air, Ragnarök Festival) and have gained a growing fan base. Anno 2023, with the self-titled "Helgrindur", the long-awaited successor is now available, on which the band consistently continues their chosen path.

The content of these 10 songs revolves around fairy tales, myths, legends and also their own stories, which musically move in a pagan death and black metal garb. The haunting lyrics are embedded in a gripping atmosphere by a great feeling for melodies, which give the band concept the necessary authenticity.

The new album was recorded at 4CN Studio (Obscurity, Kreator a.o.). The cover artwork symbolically shows the gatekeeper, who guides damned souls through the realm of Hel and keeps the creature of darkness in check, which can also be found in the quintet's stage design.

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SCULFORGE - Cosmic Crusade Chronicles - CD
Cosmic Crusade Chronicles. …Stories from the… errr… Nevermind!Die intergalaktische Reise geht weiter - das zweite Album der deutschen High-Speed-Power-Metaller setzt inhaltlich dort an wo das Debut (Intergalactic Battle Tunes) aufgehört hat! 11 Tracks zwischen Power und Thrash, Hymnen und Blast Beats, universellen Abgründen und Wahnsinn!

ACCUSER - Rebirthless - VINYL 12" LP
ATTENTION: Due to long production and delivery times for vinyl, this item will not be in stock until the end of December!Powerful thrash metal neckbreaker! Since their beginnings as torchbearers of German thrash metal in the 1980s, Siegen-based ACCUSER have established themselves as one of the most consistent and influential capacities in the international metal scene. With their unmistakable sound, which combines powerful riffs and complex song structures, they have gained a loyal fan base over the decades and inspired numerous generations of metal fans. With “Rebirthless”, the quartet now present their 13th studio album, picking up stylistically from their previous albums “Dependent Domination” and “Diabolic”, while also incorporating elements from the band's earlier albums. Overall, “Rebirthless” is exactly what the band envisioned: a powerful and thoughtful album that perfectly realizes their musical vision while containing everything that has always defined the band: powerful melodies, aggressive rhythms and profound lyrics that captivate listeners and make them think. The album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Martin Buchwalter at Gernhart Studio in Troisdorf. The cover artwork is based on the painting “La révolte des Enfers contre le Ciel (The revolt of the hell against the heaven)” by Antoine Joseph Wiertz.

BOSPARANS FALL - Live At Aaargh Festival 2024 - CD
Die süddeutschen Rollenspiel Death Metaller haben auf dem diesjährigen Aaargh Festival eine überzeugende Umsetzung ihres Konzeptalbums "Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten" abgeliefert und veröffentlichen den Mitschnitt nun als Livealbum!  1. Intro 2. Rondra 3. Dunkle Zeiten 4. Bosparans Zinnen 5. Schwarzmagier Xardas 6. Firun 7. Praios 8. Ifirns Heim 9. Interlude 10. Kampf um Norbeneck 11. Alrik Immerda 12. Rondras Segen 13. Goldene Blüten auf blauem Grund

FABULOUS DESASTER - Hang 'em High (2024 rerelease incl. Bonustracks(
Thrash Metal Attack Das Rerelease des 2016er Debut Albums der deutschen Thrash Metaller. Als Bonus enthält dieser Klassiker 4 weitere Tracks, die teils noch aus der Demo Phase der Band stammen, für dieses Rerelease allerdings neu aufgenommen wurden und in dieser Form bisher unveröffentlicht sind. 1. Death Is Loud 2. Faster Than Light 3. Warsaw 4. Thrash Bang Wallop 5. Midnight Fistfight 6. Wellness In Hell 7. R.I.P. (Rest In POWER) 8. Thrash Metal Symphony 9. Toxic Nuclear War 10. Customized -- bonus tracks --11. Hungry For Life 12. Burst Into Fames 13. When The Silence’s So Loud 14. Toxic Nuclear War BONUS TRACK INFOS "Hungry For Life" (vom Stay Hungry Demo 2005): Ältester der Songs, noch von der Fabulous Desaster Vorgänger-Band "Stay Hungry". Tauchte später noch mal 2013 auf dem zweiten Fabulous Desaster Demo "Chaos.Torture.Terror.Violence" auf.  "Burst Into Flames" und "When The Silence's So Loud" (vom ersten Fabulous Desaster Demo 2010): Allererste Fabulous Desaster Songs, in alter Stay Hungry Bandbesetzung (noch ohne Andi und Matthes).Die Songs wurden 2023 extra für das "Hang 'Em High" Re-release komplett neu eingespielt (bei Armin Rave im Soundsight Studio, wo auch die Hang ‘Em High produziert wurde). Bei allen 3 Aufnahmen ist am Gesang auch der ursprünglicher Bassist Patrick “Bude” Hausmann zu hören (bei “Burst Into Flames” sogar als Main-Vocals, er hatte den Song damals auch  geschrieben). "Toxic Nuclear War", alternative Version mit Andi statt Jan am Gesang. Tauchte schon einmal 2017 auf einer "Hang 'Em High" Südamerika-exclusive Edition auf. Ursprünglich wurde der Song von Andis Vorgänger am Bass "Bude" geschrieben und auch gesungen. Als Andi in die Band kam, hat er bei dem Song auch den Gesang übernommen und singt den Song bis heute live. Nur auf der Album Version wird der Song von Jam gesungen 

SUIDAKRA - DarkanakraD - VINYL 12" LP
Back to the roots?! Exactly 30 years to the month after the band was founded, German melodic/Celtic death metallers SUIDAKRA present their 15th studio album! Musically, the band seem to be returning to their early years with these 11 tracks, as DarkanakraD is undoubtedly dominated by melodic death metal parts, but at the same time also undergoes further development. The album, whose title translates as “Armageddon”, sounds as fresh and powerful as if the band had sprung from a fountain of youth and concludes the “Realms Of Odoric” trilogy, which began in 2016 with the album of the same name. The 11 songs, recorded, mixed and mastered for the first time by mastermind Arkadius himself at his own GHA Studio in Würzburg, were mastered by death metal legend Dan Swanö. This was something of a dream come true for Arkadius, as Edge Of Sanity played a formative role in the musical and melodic direction of the band in Suidakra's early days. With an At The Gates medley at the end of the record, Suidakra also pay tribute to another influence of their founding years.  The content concept, as well as the corresponding artwork, was once again created by Kris Verwimp and so “Darkankrad” contains everything that has shaped the band over the last 30 years and is an album that could not have been a better present for the band's anniversary, both for themselves and their die-hard fans! 

AEONBLACK - Metal Bound - CD
Lang lebe der Heavy Metal! Rerelease des 2014er Debut Albums der süddeutschen Heavy/Power Metaller!

ACCUSER - Rebirthless - CD
Powerful thrash metal neckbreaker! Since their beginnings as torchbearers of German thrash metal in the 1980s, Siegen-based ACCUSER have established themselves as one of the most consistent and influential capacities in the international metal scene. With their unmistakable sound, which combines powerful riffs and complex song structures, they have gained a loyal fan base over the decades and inspired numerous generations of metal fans. With “Rebirthless”, the quartet now present their 13th studio album, picking up stylistically from their previous albums “Dependent Domination” and “Diabolic”, while also incorporating elements from the band's earlier albums. Overall, “Rebirthless” is exactly what the band envisioned: a powerful and thoughtful album that perfectly realizes their musical vision while containing everything that has always defined the band: powerful melodies, aggressive rhythms and profound lyrics that captivate listeners and make them think. The album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Martin Buchwalter at Gernhart Studio in Troisdorf. The cover artwork is based on the painting “La révolte des Enfers contre le Ciel (The revolt of the hell against the heaven)” by Antoine Joseph Wiertz.

SUIDAKRA - DarkanakraD - lim. DigiPak
Back to the roots?! Exactly 30 years to the month after the band was founded, German melodic/Celtic death metallers SUIDAKRA present their 15th studio album! Musically, the band seem to be returning to their early years with these 11 tracks, as DarkanakraD is undoubtedly dominated by melodic death metal parts, but at the same time also undergoes further development. The album, whose title translates as “Armageddon”, sounds as fresh and powerful as if the band had sprung from a fountain of youth and concludes the “Realms Of Odoric” trilogy, which began in 2016 with the album of the same name. The 11 songs, recorded, mixed and mastered for the first time by mastermind Arkadius himself at his own GHA Studio in Würzburg, were mastered by death metal legend Dan Swanö. This was something of a dream come true for Arkadius, as Edge Of Sanity played a formative role in the musical and melodic direction of the band in Suidakra's early days. With an At The Gates medley at the end of the record, Suidakra also pay tribute to another influence of their founding years.  The content concept, as well as the corresponding artwork, was once again created by Kris Verwimp and so “Darkankrad” contains everything that has shaped the band over the last 30 years and is an album that could not have been a better present for the band's anniversary, both for themselves and their die-hard fans! 

SUIDAKRA - DarkanakraD - CD (Jewelcase)
Back to the roots?! Exactly 30 years to the month after the band was founded, German melodic/Celtic death metallers SUIDAKRA present their 15th studio album! Musically, the band seem to be returning to their early years with these 11 tracks, as DarkanakraD is undoubtedly dominated by melodic death metal parts, but at the same time also undergoes further development. The album, whose title translates as “Armageddon”, sounds as fresh and powerful as if the band had sprung from a fountain of youth and concludes the “Realms Of Odoric” trilogy, which began in 2016 with the album of the same name. The 11 songs, recorded, mixed and mastered for the first time by mastermind Arkadius himself at his own GHA Studio in Würzburg, were mastered by death metal legend Dan Swanö. This was something of a dream come true for Arkadius, as Edge Of Sanity played a formative role in the musical and melodic direction of the band in Suidakra's early days. With an At The Gates medley at the end of the record, Suidakra also pay tribute to another influence of their founding years.  The content concept, as well as the corresponding artwork, was once again created by Kris Verwimp and so “Darkankrad” contains everything that has shaped the band over the last 30 years and is an album that could not have been a better present for the band's anniversary, both for themselves and their die-hard fans! 

SLECHTVALK - At Death’s Gate (lim. DigiPak)
limited Digipak! Brutal & Epic Blackened Death Metal!The Dutch band Slechtvalk have been making their mark on the European metal scene since 1999 and have been delighting fans of symphonic, folk, black and Viking death metal for the past 25 years. While some bands lose their bite over the years, Slechtvalk present themselves more extreme and brutal than ever before on their sixth longplayer “At Death's Gate”. Fans of the band, who had to wait eight years for a follow-up to “Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide”, will be delighted with “At Death's Gate”. The Dutchmen create a dense, dark atmosphere with impressive precision, one moment creating a melodic tapestry of sound and the next bludgeoning everything to the ground. The 9 songs, which can perhaps best be described as “brutal, epic black/death metal”, were produced, mixed and mastered under the direction of Lasse Lammert at LSD Studio (Wind Rose, Alestorm, Strydegor, etc.). The cover artwork was created by Mark Erskine.

SLECHTVALK - At Death’s Gate (JewelCase)
Brutal & Epic Blackened Death Metal! The Dutch band Slechtvalk have been making their mark on the European metal scene since 1999 and have been delighting fans of symphonic, folk, black and Viking death metal for the past 25 years. While some bands lose their bite over the years, Slechtvalk present themselves more extreme and brutal than ever before on their sixth longplayer “At Death's Gate”. Fans of the band, who had to wait eight years for a follow-up to “Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide”, will be delighted with “At Death's Gate”. The Dutchmen create a dense, dark atmosphere with impressive precision, one moment creating a melodic tapestry of sound and the next bludgeoning everything to the ground. The 9 songs, which can perhaps best be described as “brutal, epic black/death metal”, were produced, mixed and mastered under the direction of Lasse Lammert at LSD Studio (Wind Rose, Alestorm, Strydegor, etc.). The cover artwork was created by Mark Erskine.

LANKESTER MERRIN - Dark Mother's Child - CD
Highly dynamic, female fronted powerhouse! After their successful second album “Dark Mother Rises”, the female fronted melodic metallers LANKESTER MERRIN from Lower Saxony present their third album “Dark Mother's Child”. It offers nine neck-breaking and at the same time highly melodic songs, including true metal anthems and varied midtempo rockers, heavy double bass numbers and mighty power ballads. On “Dark Mother's Child”, the band continues its breathtaking development and sometimes goes even harder than on its predecessors. Razor-sharp solos, lightning-fast double bass passages and driving guitar riffs make this album an audio experience worth listening to, whereby the multi-faceted vocals of frontwoman Cat Rogers should not go unmentioned. She has succeeded in refining her style, making her voice an almost unmistakable figurehead for Lankester Merrin. The album was again recorded and produced at the Institut für Wohlklangforschung in Hanover (e.g. Drone, Grailknights) under the direction of Hannes Huke and is recommended to every fan of catchy, powerful and melodic power metal that, despite female vocals, stays away from the usual symphonic corner!

FINAL CRY - Zombique - CD
New edition of the completely sold-out 2018 album by Lower Saxony melodic death/thrashers Final Cry. With "Zombique", the band made an impressive comeback after 11 years of radio silence and released the rawest and heaviest album in their history to date. Guitarist Eiko, who took over the vocals in the meantime, characterizes this album with deep growls (rather unusual for Final Cry up to this point) and contributes a lot to the fact that the content concept, which revolves around voodoo cults and zombie stories among the Caribbean slaves with partly historically documented protagonists and their influence up to the Haitian revolution, also unfolds musically in full brutality.  Recorded and produced under the direction of Jost Schlüter at Pure Sonic Studios in Langelsheim, "Zombique" also features all of the band's trademarks that have grown over the years: merciless riffing, high tempos, great melodies and guitarist Eiko Truckenbrodt's almost unmistakable solos.  "Zombique" is a prime example of how a band should come back after a long break: With a punch right in the face! This re-released version of the comeback album features a slightly modified cover artwork. 

SERVANT - Aetas Ascensus - CD
Age of Ascension ! With their impressive debut "Blessed By The Light Of A Thousand Stars" Servant belonged to the Black Metal surprises of the year 2021. Now with "Aetas Ascensus" the successor is ready to confirm the high expectations, which they undoubtedly succeed in doing! With the new 9 songs Servant fulfil their claim to take the next step.  Musically, much of the new material seems more furious and wild. Blast beats are paired with complex harmonic guitars and merge with the authentic vocals to create an emotionally charged atmosphere. Melody and harmony are the cornerstones of another impressive Black Metal work, which lyrically deals with a variety of religious texts, whereby gnosis plays a major role here and also the politics behind. So the album also contains songs about emperors and kings who have fallen prey to madness and have helped to destroy themselves and their empire.   "Aetas Ascensus" is a complex piece of music, bursting with a wealth of details. Those who already enjoyed the Scandinavian Black Metal influenced debut will love the no less majestic, latently symphonic and yet more brute successor!

DEIMOS' DAWN - Anthem Of The Lost - VINYL LP
Marc Grewe goes THRASH METAL!  When Germany's flagship-growler Marc Grewe (ex-Morgoth, Insidious Disease) gets ready to step behind a microphone, you can be sure to be bombarded with pure Death Metal ... until now! Because with Deimos' Dawn the scene veteran stands for the first time in front of a THRASH METAL band of pure and classical coinage. Bands like Kreator, Slayer, Sodom and Sepultura have obviously left deep marks on the band's founders Andy Doé (guitar), Matthias Lange (bass) and Mathias Schmidt (drums), so that the three, who have known each other since early childhood, didn't have to spend a long time looking for ideas when they launched Deimos Dawn in 2017 and soon recruited the perfect frontman in Marc. 12 songs, on which Grewe with the full vocal range of his skills and the most diverse vocal performance of his career puts the black-golden crown of a poison and bile-spewing king of the underworld, are waiting to blow a fresh wind of devastation through your brain.  The band's great joy in playing makes it unmistakably clear that Deimos' Dawn are something special. So special, in fact, that former Sodom guitarist and jack-of-all-trades Andy Brings had to write (nearly) all lyrics and produce Grewe's vocals out of sheer enthusiasm for the concept and songs. Yes, had to!  With "Anthem Of The Lost" Deimos' Dawn undoubtedly write a new, strong chapter in the big book of Thrash Metal!

DEIMOS' DAWN - Anthem Of The Lost - CD
Marc Grewe goes THRASH METAL!  When Germany's flagship-growler Marc Grewe (ex-Morgoth, Insidious Disease) gets ready to step behind a microphone, you can be sure to be bombarded with pure Death Metal ... until now! Because with Deimos' Dawn the scene veteran stands for the first time in front of a THRASH METAL band of pure and classical coinage. Bands like Kreator, Slayer, Sodom and Sepultura have obviously left deep marks on the band's founders Andy Doé (guitar), Matthias Lange (bass) and Mathias Schmidt (drums), so that the three, who have known each other since early childhood, didn't have to spend a long time looking for ideas when they launched Deimos Dawn in 2017 and soon recruited the perfect frontman in Marc. 12 songs, on which Grewe with the full vocal range of his skills and the most diverse vocal performance of his career puts the black-golden crown of a poison and bile-spewing king of the underworld, are waiting to blow a fresh wind of devastation through your brain.  The band's great joy in playing makes it unmistakably clear that Deimos' Dawn are something special. So special, in fact, that former Sodom guitarist and jack-of-all-trades Andy Brings had to write (nearly) all lyrics and produce Grewe's vocals out of sheer enthusiasm for the concept and songs. Yes, had to!  With "Anthem Of The Lost" Deimos' Dawn undoubtedly write a new, strong chapter in the big book of Thrash Metal!

Mandragora Thuringia - Rex Silvarum - CD
Von Sagen, Schlachten und Trinkgelagen ! Mit Mandragora Thuringia und ihrem zweiten Longplayer „Rex Silvarum“ schickt sich eine der vielversprechendsten deutschen Folk Metal Bands an, die Herzen von Fans mittelalterlicher Klänge im harten Metal Gewandt im Sturm zu erobern. Bereits der Vorgänger „Der Vagabund“ sorgte für einiges Aufsehen und bescherte der Band umfangreiche Präsenz auf Bühnen und Festivals. „Rex Silvarum“ bietet alles, was das Folk Metal Herz begehrt: Harte Gitarrenklänge gepaart mit volkstümlichen Instrumenten erzeugen eine mitreißende Stimmung zwischen brachialen, metallischen Parts und tanzbaren, treibenden Dudelsack- und Akkordeonmelodien. Abgerundet wird das Ganze mit epischen Keyboards, Chören oder Streichern, welche die Emotionen der Lieder tragen und Gänsehaut verbreiten. Das Album enthält 13 abwechslungsreiche Songs, die Geschichten aus alten Tagen erzählen, von Schlachten berichten oder zum Trinken einladen. Setzt euch zu den Thüringern ans Lagerfeuer und lauscht ihren unwiederstehlichen Melodien. Aufgenommen in den Splendid Wave Studios von Dom R. Crey (Equilibrium, Nothgard) und gemastert von Andre Hofman (Varg, Wolfchant) gibts zudem noch Gastauftritte von Dom R. Crey und Robse Dahn. Rex Silvarum - der König des Waldes gewährt euch eine Audienz! TRACKLIST01. Frühling02. Ausbruch'03. Falkenflug04. Kreaturen der Nacht05. Sunufatarungo06. Rex Silvarum07. Waldgeflüster08. Amygdala (feat. Dom R. Crey)09. Grünes Meer10. Kriegerbarden11. Trollmelodie12. Linde (feat. Robert 'Robse' Dahn)13. Herbst

CASSIUS KING - Dread The Dawn - CD
All Hail to the King!  Dan Lorenzo (ex-Hades, Non Fiction, Patriarchs In Black) ist eine fleischgewordene Riff Maschine, oder wie die Fachpresse ihm oft bescheinigte: Seine Meisterschaft in der Kunst echte, lebensnahe Riffs zu schreiben ist unübertroffen! Mit „Dread To Dawn“ treten Cassius King auf ihrem Zweitlingswerk erneut den Beweis dieser Aussage an.  Auf 11 Songs wälzt sich das Quartett durch schleppende, ergreifende Melodien, umschlungen von den markanten Vocals von Jason McMaster (Watchtower, Dangerous Toys), welche dem Gesamtsound eine authentische Tiefe verleihen und getrieben von den erbarmungslosen Grooves eines Ron Lipnicki (ex-Overkill, Whiplash). Cassius King ist ein vertontes Gefühl, welchem man mit den Oberbegriffen Doom und Stoner eigentlich nicht gerecht werden kann. Mit dem Release von „Dread To Dawn“ beweisen die Herren zudem, dass es sich bei Cassius King um deutlich mehr handelt, als ein einmalig konstruiertes All-Star Projekt. Zählt man Dan Lorenzos gleichnamiges Solo Album aus dem Jahr 2004 mit, ist der Nachfolger des letztjährigen „Field Trip“ bereits der dritte Longplayer in nahezu identischer Besetzung. Wer sich von den vorliegenden Songs in die Tiefe reißen lässt, wird unwillkürlich hoffen, dass es nicht das letzte seiner Art ist.  TRACKLIST 1. Abandon Paradise 2. As I Beginn To Turn 3. Back From The Dead 4. Genesis 5. Royal Blooded 6. Pariah To Messiah 7. Dread The Dawn 8. How The West Was Won 9. Doomsday Hand 10. Bad Man Down 11. Troubleshooter  running time: 49:41 min


mehr Bundles / Boxsets

EXTINCT - Incitement Of Violence - lim. DigiPak Boxset
The new album of german Thrashers as limited DigiPak Boxset!- noble tinbox with albumdesign- limited 4pg DigiPak- 12pg Booklet- stainless steel bottleopener with album art- guitar pic with logo- printed patch 10x10 cm- Autograph/postcard with gold embossing- sticker

HELGRINDUR - Helgrindur - lim. DigiPak Boxset
limitiertes BoxSet mit DigiPak- Alubox with original artwork/sketch drawing *- album as limited DigiPak /w 24 pages booklet - embroidered wirstband with bandlogo * - stainless steel bottle opener * - printed patch (10x10cm) * - postcard/autograph card* illustration similarNew Wave of Pagan Metal! After their 2017 debut "Von Einst", the busy Pagan/Black/Death Metallers from Helgrindur have caused a stir in the local scene in recent years, especially through their live presence (e.g. Aaargh Festival, Mahlstrom Open Air, Ragnarök Festival) and have gained a growing fan base. Anno 2023, with the self-titled "Helgrindur", the long-awaited successor is now available, on which the band consistently continues their chosen path. The content of these 10 songs revolves around fairy tales, myths, legends and also their own stories, which musically move in a pagan death and black metal garb. The haunting lyrics are embedded in a gripping atmosphere by a great feeling for melodies, which give the band concept the necessary authenticity. The new album was recorded at 4CN Studio (Obscurity, Kreator a.o.). The cover artwork symbolically shows the gatekeeper, who guides damned souls through the realm of Hel and keeps the creature of darkness in check, which can also be found in the quintet's stage design.

CORROSIVE - Wrath Of The Witch - limited Box
limited Collectors Box- Aluminum box in album design - Wrath Of The Witch CD JewelCase - lanyard/keychain, detachable buckle, with clip & carabiner - woven patch 8,5x11cm - stainless steel bottle opener - signed autograph card - 1x double-sided printed guitar plecBrutal witch epic with illustrious guests... With "Wrath Of The Witch", the Marburg death metal forge Corrosive presents its seventh and at the same time most unusual album. Instead of simply peeling first-class death metal riffs from their ribs year after year, the quintet surprises anno 2023 with a concept album, whose foundation stone was already laid on their 2019 album "Nourished by Blood" with the track "Notzucht der Hexe". The result is a story that is driven forward by various characters before culminating in a bloody showdown. In order to realise the overall concept effectively, the band decided to cast the different roles with different singers, like in a play. In the main roles, besides singer Andy, Gerre (Tankard), Sabina Classen (Holy Moses), Dirk Weiss (Warpath), Eva Schmidt (Nihil), Andreas Jäger (Hyems) and Kai Wilhelm (Final Cry), among others, take the microphone. The guests impressively succeed in putting their own stamp on the still abundant and typical Corrosive trademarks, giving the album a complexity, life and individuality and taking the listener on a journey into a dark time. Musically, the band has taken the dark concept into account and takes a more melodic and even black metal approach than on the previous albums, while still creating an album that is unmistakably a Corrosive one!Roles, Vocalist & Guests Andy Konnerth - The handsome one on Track 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,12 Eva Schmidt / Nihil - The devilish witch on Track 3,5,9,10 Dirk Weiss / Warpath, Sacrifire - The old man on Track 2 Sabina Classen / Holy Moses - The white witch on Track 7 Andreas Jäger / Hyems - The Inquisitor on Track 9,10 Andreas “Gerre” Geremia / Tankard - The Torturer on Track 10 Kai Wilhelm / Final Cry - The Judge on Track 11 Sascha Schekanski, Axel Müller / Battlesword, Eva Müller / Mindcross  - The peoples voice on Track 11 Eiko Truckenbrodt / Final Cry - Guitar Solo on Track 11

SCULFORGE - Intergalactic Battle Tunes - lim. BOXSET /w DigiPak
LIMITED BOXSET!  - printed TinBox in special design - limited 6pgd DigiPak in special design - stainless steel Bottle opener - printed patch (10x10cm)  + suprise gimmick 1 (tba) + suprise gimmick 2 (tba) + suprise gimmick 3 (tba) + ???High Speed Power Metal! When seasoned musicians has cabin fever during the lockdown, they come up with the strangest things and sometimes even grandiose ideas. In the case of Sculforge, both is the case, because Polly McSculwood (vox, guit.) and Fabz McBlackscul (guitars) came up with the idea of forming the band in 2020 and starting a new musical adventure. Everything that happened then was out of love for music and pure boredom - and the two were really very bored. Since Nerd King Polly loves everything that smells like sci-fi and fantasy RPGs, PC games and literature, it was very quickly clear that he wanted to create an epic sci-fi story that was -maybe- a little bit influenced by Warhammer 40k. A world in which there is no progress except on the battlefield seemed to him to be the perfect setting for high speed power metal songs! So on this "Intergalactic Battle Tunes (Stories from Behind The Dark Side Of The Moon To The Milky Way And Beyond) titled debut, there are not only Metal Hymns between Power and Thrash, but also a complete story with radio play-like interludes which complete the concept. The result is a fresh, virtuoso and wacky masterpiece!

BOSPARANS FALL - Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten - limited Boxset /w DigiPak
NOTE: Boxset ist only available at Bands Bandcamp LIMITED PREMIUM BOX!  Only this box contains (besides a noble DigiPak) the antagonist of the album as a limited game/collector's figure as well as a 192-piece puzzle, which represents one of the locations of the album in the form of a map. The complete box contents: - noble aluminium box - 4-piece DigiPak in special design (incl. 12-page booklet) - approx. 30x40cm, 192 piece puzzlemap "Xarda's Unterschlupf (eng: hideout)- Xardas game/collectible figure (tabletop 28mm) - printed patch with album cover (ca 10x10cm) - DIN A6 card / autograph card Role Play Melodic Death Metal! Bosparans Fall have been on the metal scene for several years under different names and in other constellations, but only reformed as an RPG metal project in 2022. Conceptually, the band moves in Aventuria, a fantasy world from the German-language pen & paper role-playing game "Das Schwarze Auge". Musically, the quintet, which will also elaborately implement the role-playing game theme in their live shows, has dedicated itself to melodic death metal, although various other and adjacent extreme metal genres also find their influences. With their present Full Lenght debut, Bosparans Fall write the first part of a story designed as a trilogy around the warrior Alrik Immerda, 1019 years after the battle on Bosparans battlements, drawn into the preparations of the ancient rituals that have been going on for almost two decades ... "Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten" comes over you like a storm and draws you in with its ingenious narrative strands and arrangements. By the way, parts of the story, such as the character of the protagonist, were designed in close consultation with the DSA community on various internet boards. The musical saga was mixed and mastered by Michael Kraxenberger at Sick Of Sound, and the band itself was responsible for the graphic realisation of the concept.

ASPHAGOR - Pyrogenesis - limited DigiPak Boxset
ASPHAGOR - limited aluminium box set!  The new Asphagor album "Pyrogenesis" (release date: 10 March 2023) in an exclusive box set! The printed alubox contains: - "Pyrogenesis" album as a limited 4-piece DigiPak /with 16-page booklet. - Alchemist pin, 50 mm antique silver plated, with relief embossing, 2x butterfly clutch - Stainless steel bottle opener with logos - Guitar Plec - Cork coaster with burned-in/laser-engraved logo - signed autograph card Black Metal Masterpiece! The Tyrolean black metal collective Asphagor make an impressive return in 2023! With "Pyrogenesis", the quintet presents its fourth studio album, which follows the highly acclaimed 2018 release "The Cleansing". On the present 11 songs with a playing length of over 60 minutes, the band offers sophisticated black and death metal at its best, where fans of extreme sounds will get their money's worth. With "Pyrogenesis", Asphagor once again create a complete work that is able to generate an atmospheric density that captivates the listener over the entire playing time and leaves him breathless and impressed. The new masterpiece was mixed and mastered by Victor 'Vic Santura' Bullok at Woodshed Studio. The impressive artwork, matching the theme of the album, was designed by singer Morgoth himself. In May, the Tyroleans will join THE SPIRIT on DARK FORTRESS' farewell tour to bring "Pyrogenesis", which is undoubtedly the highlight of their musical output so far, to the stages of Europe!

Mandragora Thuringia - Rex Silvarum - limited DigiPak Boxset
Limited Alubox/DigiPak Bundle, includes: - Tin-Box Album Design- noble 6-pgd Digipak- 192 pcs PuzzlePoster (ca. 40x30cm)- Stainless Steel Bottle Opener- printed patch (10x10cm) - signed autograph postcard- Sticker Von Sagen, Schlachten und Trinkgelagen ! Mit Mandragora Thuringia und ihrem zweiten Longplayer „Rex Silvarum“ schickt sich eine der vielversprechendsten deutschen Folk Metal Bands an, die Herzen von Fans mittelalterlicher Klänge im harten Metal Gewandt im Sturm zu erobern. Bereits der Vorgänger „Der Vagabund“ sorgte für einiges Aufsehen und bescherte der Band umfangreiche Präsenz auf Bühnen und Festivals. „Rex Silvarum“ bietet alles, was das Folk Metal Herz begehrt: Harte Gitarrenklänge gepaart mit volkstümlichen Instrumenten erzeugen eine mitreißende Stimmung zwischen brachialen, metallischen Parts und tanzbaren, treibenden Dudelsack- und Akkordeonmelodien. Abgerundet wird das Ganze mit epischen Keyboards, Chören oder Streichern, welche die Emotionen der Lieder tragen und Gänsehaut verbreiten. Das Album enthält 13 abwechslungsreiche Songs, die Geschichten aus alten Tagen erzählen, von Schlachten berichten oder zum Trinken einladen. Setzt euch zu den Thüringern ans Lagerfeuer und lauscht ihren unwiederstehlichen Melodien. Aufgenommen in den Splendid Wave Studios von Dom R. Crey (Equilibrium, Nothgard) und gemastert von Andre Hofman (Varg, Wolfchant) gibts zudem noch Gastauftritte von Dom R. Crey und Robse Dahn. Rex Silvarum - der König des Waldes gewährt euch eine Audienz! TRACKLIST01. Frühling02. Ausbruch03. Falkenflug04. Kreaturen der Nacht05. Sunufatarungo06. Rex Silvarum07. Waldgeflüster08. Amygdala (feat. Dom R. Crey)09. Grünes Meer10. Kriegerbarden11. Trollmelodie2. Linde (feat. Robert 'Robse' Dahn)13. Herbst

MASTIC SCUM - Icon limited DigiPak Boxset
The new MASTIC SCUM album as a limited DigiPak Boxset! contains: - high quality printed aluminium box in "Icon" design - limited 6pg DigiPak (only available in this box) - 16pg Booklet - A1 poster "Icon - woven patch with logo, ca 12x4cm - sticker "Icon - stainless steel bottle opener with logo Merciless Death Metal Steamhammer! Mastic Scum are undoubtedly one of Austria's best-known metal exports. Since the early 90s, the band has been ravaging the international metal scene, delivering brute and technically high-quality death anthems that couldn't sound more crushing. Striking guitar riffs, merciless drums and massive grooves define the band's sound. Even though the last album was released a few years ago, the band has not been idle in the meantime and has released various (split) EPs and tapes and has graced the stages of Europe time and again. With "Icon", the band now presents their sixth longplayer, which comes up with the typical band trademarks and aims exactly where it hurts: on the face! The new death metal steamhammer was recorded in Vienna's Grindlab Studio, produced, mixed and mastered in Metalforge Studio under the care of Mike Kronstorfer. Be prepared, because Mastic Scum anno 2022 are a force! TRACKLIST 01. Digital Dementia 02. Room 23 03. Slavebreed 04. Front Toward Enemy 05. Doomsayer 06. Virtual Irreality 3.0 07. Twice The Pain 08. Negation 09. Create And Destroy 10. Retribution

Serpents In Paradise - Temptation Bundle CD + Shirt
Size: XXL
Bundle contains: CD T-Shirt (100% cotton) Fits a bit smaller, so decide if you want one size bigger Earthy hard rock. Simple and good. Simply good. If there is one positive thing to take away from the past 2 years of Corona Pandemie, it is that countless musicians and bands have used the involuntary time off to put together new albums or even new projects. This is also the case with Serpents In Paradise. After the split of Spitefuel, guitarist Tobias Eurich didn't just want to hang up his guitar, but to dedicate himself more to something that had been neglected in the years before: solid hard rock. More blues, more dirt and more guitar heroes (Slash, Page, Young) from his youth. In Matthias Lüönd and Jason-Steve Mageney, the right comrades-in-arms were quickly found for an ambitious project, which also has the goal of sooner or later hitting the stages. Since it was not possible to find a suitable singer in the immediate vicinity, the idea of implementing the whole thing with the help of various guest singers matured. In the end, Gianni Pontillo (Victory), Stu Block (ex-Iced Earth), Herbie Langhans (Firewind, Avantasia), Mark Fox (Shakra) and Alex Kühner (High Tide), a whole host of singing heroes, got enthusiastic about the project, the idea and, last but not least, the songs and contributed their part to this album. The result is a gripping, incredibly mature hard rock album. Down-to-earth, solid and yet with that certain something that makes Serpents In Paradise stand out from the crowd. TRACKLIST 1. Love Bites 2. Tomorrow Never Comes 3. Where's The Rock 'n' Roll Gone? 4. Moonshine Blues 5. Black Hole 6. Sun May Shine 7. Mojo Man 8. Overrated 9. Get Lost Again 10. Ghost Lights 11. Smoke & Mirrors running time: 46:47 min LINE-UP Tobias Eurich – Guitars Matthias Lüönd – Bass Jason-Steve Mageney – Drums GUESTS VOCALIST Gianni Pontillo (Track 1 & 7) Stu Block (Track 2 & 6) Herbie Langhans (Track 3 & 8) Mark Fox ( Tracks 4 & 10) Alex Kühner (Track 5 & 9 & 11) FOR FANS OF Guns’n Roses, Bon Jovi, Skid Row

Reternity - Cosmic Dreams Bundle CD + T-Shirt
Size: S
Bundle contains: CD T-Shirt (100% cotton) Fits a bit smaller, so decide if you want one size bigger Per Aspera – ad Astra! With "Cosmic Dreams", the Swabians around masterminds Carsten Sauter and Stefan Zörner present their third, most mature and at the same time most intense work. On the new album, the band surprises with a departure from the rather thrash-influenced predecessors to high-class arranged and produced tracks, which nevertheless unite all the trademarks that make up the band: melody, heaviness and variety between the otherwise so rigid metal pigeonholes. A striking feature is the use of keyboards for the first time, which give Zörner's lyrics, which deal with the diaspora into outer space, the coldness of the stars and the increasing coldness of humans, gloomy dystophies and failed dreams, a perfect futuristic framework. The music is sometimes intricate and progressive ("Cosmic Dreams", "Blitzwerfer Blues", "Seemingly"), sometimes grippingly hard ("Only Scars Remain", "Depths of Nothingness") but also epic and expansive ("The Narrow Sleep", "Astronaut", "My Reternity"). Is this heavy metal, thrash, doom, prog, death or nu metal? Who cares! The result is a homogeneous sounding statement in metal! With the producer of choice, Andy Horn (Fight feat. Rob Halford, Rob Rock, Cage, Edenbridge a.o.) and fresh blood on drums and bass, they worked intensively for months on an album that can undoubtedly play in the top league and is a groundbreaking album by the ambitious southern Germans. TRACKLIST 1. Building Better Worlds 2. Untamed Hearts 3. Depths Of Nothingness 4. Cosmic Dreams 5. Astronaut 6. Blitzwerfer Blues 7. Seemingly 8. Only Scars Remain 9. Wonderful Life 10. The Narrow Sleep 11. My Reternity running time: 44:44 min

Patriarchs In Black - Reach For The Scars Bundle CD + TS
Size: M
Bundle contains: CD T-Shirt (100% cotton) Fits a bit smaller, so decide if you want one size bigger All roads lead to Black Sabbath! When New Jersey scene veteran Dan Lorenzo (Hades, Non-Fiction) was looking for musicians for his new project, Overkill's Bobby Blitz gave him the idea of knocking on John Kelly's (Danzig, Type O Negative) door, because - according to Blitz - "he would fit your riffs perfectly". Blitz was right and Lorenzo and Kelly, who had never worked together before, formed PATRIARCHS IN BLACK. The duo makes no secret of where the musical heart of this collaboration beats - to put it in Kelly's words: "All roads lead to Black Sabbath!" So on these nine groovy songs there are many dragging riffs, with which homage is paid to the forefathers of doom, on the one hand - and on the other hand such a snotty-rock charm that would also make the album a perfect soundtrack for a remake of "Easy Rider". For "Reach For The Scars", the duo recruited a whole host of guest musicians who each put their own stamp on the songs. On this album, Karl Agell (COC), Dewey Bragg (Kill Devil Hill), Rob Traynor (Black Water Rising), John Kosco (Dropbox), Eric J. Morgan (A Pale Horse Named Death) and Dave Neabore (Dog Eat Dog), among others, give each song a unique authenticity that makes the overall result an entertaining and varied pleasure. TRACKLIST 1. I'm The Dog 2. Sing For The Devil? 3. The Submission Bell 4. Built Of Misery 5. This Damn War 6. Mourning This Life 7. Hate Your Life 8. Demon of Regret 9. Kashmir running time: 36:26 min LINE-UP Johnny Kelly - drums Dan Lorenzo - guitars GUESTS Karl Agell - vocals John Kosco - vocals Rob Traynor - vocals Dewey Bragg - vocals Dan Nastasi - vocals Jimmy Gnecco - vocals Eric J. Morgan - bass Jimmy Schulmann - bass Scott LePage - bass Dave Neabore - bass

Vamacara - Cosmic Fires: The Enlightenment Reversed Bundle CD + TS
Size: XXXL
Bundle with CD and T-Shirt (fits a bit smaller). 70s rock with blast beats! The idea behind Vāmācāra (Sanskrit for: "left hand path“) was from the beginning to unite oriental and western music, aesthetics and philosophy. After the band was formed in 2015, N. (drums, percussion) and A. (vocals, guitar, bass) impressively demonstrated this approach in 2017 with their EP "Mantras for the Manifold". The present debut album "Cosmic Fires: The Enlightenment Reversed" resembles a union of black, doom and death metal mixed with psychedelic and stoner rock. It should come as no surprise that the musical versatility is also reflected with lyrics in different languages (English, Greek, Polish and Turkish). Those who need stylistic pigeonholes can also describe the whole thing as "70s rock with blast beats". In any case, Vāmācāra offer an extraordinary listening experience! Recorded by Ali Orhan at Tonstudio SH in Kiel and Jan Bzinkowski at Hear Studio in Warsaw, the whole thing was finally mixed and mastered by Jörg Uken at Soundlodge Recordings, who gives the production a fitting and impressive sound. Let yourself be captivated by the raw black and death metal sound with doom and psychedelic elements as well as a 70's rock foundation that always shines through. TRACKLIST 1. Tara of the Cremation Grounds 2. Alchemical Symbolism 3. Vintage Filth Merchants (Yaşlı Pislik Tacirleri) 4. Moonbeam Trails 5. Rat Saliva 6. Brought up by the Moon

Dragonbreed - Necrohedron Bundle CD + TS
Size: XXL
Bundle contains CD + T-Shirt (100% cotton, fits a bit smaller) A step back in history and two steps forwards... What lasts a long time becomes one! The history of the melodic death metal flagships Graveworm and Suidakra has always been closely connected. They started out on the same label, toured together and developed deep friendships that have lasted until today. It happened that during the songwriting for the current Suidakra longplayer "Wolfbite" several songs came up that didn't really fit to Suidakra, but with their raw sound, groove and melodies they brought back memories of the old times at the beginning of the nineties and demanded to be released. So Akki and Zachi (the former Suidakra bassist) knocked on the door of some old companions to complete the time travel experiment and were joined by Graveworm singer Stefano Fiori. They were completed by current Suidakra members Sebastian and Ken to unleash this debut album on mankind. So it's no surprise that "Necrohedron" sounds exactly like this: raw, inspired by the spirit of their early years together, paired with the skills and finesse of today! Cover artist Kris Verwimp (Suidakra, Marduk, Immortal, Arch Enemy, among others) was also immediately on fire and is responsible for the cover artwork as well as the lyrics. Fot this he used a concept story that had been lying dormant in his drawer for a long time and fitted Dragonbreed like a glove. The band has the claim not only to be a one-off "project", but also to aspire to the stages of this world with their well thought-out concept. TRACKLIST 01. The Undying 02. Summoning The Arcane 03. The World Beyond 04. Sinister Omen 05. Dawn Of Calamity 06. Offerings From Yonder 07. Curse Of The Forlorn 08. A Reconstruction Of Aeons Obscure

Servant - Blessed By The Light Of A Thousand Stars CD + Shirt Bundle
Size: S
Shirt 100% cotton Shirt fit a bit smaller, so order one size bigger if needed. A revelation between rawness and atmosphere ! With "Blessed By The Light Of A Thousand Stars", the German black metallers Servant present an impressive and incredibly mature debut album, which stylistically undoubtedly stands on the shoulders of the great Scandinavian black metal bands. On closer inspection, this is hardly surprising, as the band is basically based on the remains, btw with main songwriter Farago a protagonist of Ancient Wargod, who were already active in the 90s. For whose reunion, never came to pass, the first rough song ideas were intended. In the course of the last 5 years, these ideas matured, also thanks to new comrades-in-arms, into the present album, which has a sound outfit in which the compositions unfold their full effect. The band uses the full range of stylistic means available in the genre and does also not renounce bombastic passages with choirs, keyboards and orchestral support, as well as parts that are deliberately kept raw and "monotonous". Contentwise the 9 tracks are not only inspired by modern Satanism, but also by the human emotional world and the longings associated with it. The longing for death, the desire for transience, elevation of the self, as well as the search for the meaning of life with the help of various religious and occult teachings are just a few examples to describe the approach of the lyrical part. The opulent work was recorded and produced by mastermind Farago himself, while the sound was given the finishing touches by Guano Apes drummer Dennis Poschatta during mastering at the Katzbach Studio in Göttingen. TRACKLIST 1. Negate The I 2. Death Meditation 3. The Ultimate Occult Worship 4. Foreshadowing Rite 5. Hymn To The Latest Days 6. Incantation Of The Old Ones 7. Destruction And Recreation 8. Ecclesia Obscuri 9. Blessed By The Light Of A Thousand Stars running time: 43:18 min

EXARSIS - Sentenced To Life CD Limited Bundle + TS
Size: XL
Bundle contains: CD "Sentenced To Life" T-Shirt "Logo" (front only), 100% cotton Back for Blood! Ten years after their first demo, the Greeks of Exarsis are preparing to release their fifth full-length album, once again rising the flag of old school thrash metal. After a change in the line-up on the drums and the return of founding member and guitarist Chris Tsitsis (Suicide Angels a.o.), "Sentenced To Life" is probably the most melodic album of their discography to date, which nevertheless contains the typical Exarsis feeling, also because they keep pushing the accelerator pedal pretty hard. As a surprise there are guest appearances of Pyros Lafias (Chronosphere) and Lefteris Xatzhandreou (Bio-Cancer) in the song "...Against My Fears", which is about overcoming depression and the fight against the inner demons. Like the two previous releases, the album was produced by Mike Karpathiou in D-Studio. The artwork is by Dan Goldsworthy (Accept, Xentrix, Gloryhammer). TRACKLIST 1. Cen$ored 2. Another Betrayal 3. The Truth is No Defence 4. Aiming the Eye 5. Mouthtied 6. The Drug... 7. Against My Fears 8. One Last Word 9. Interplanetary Extermination 10. New War Order running time: 38:44 min Line-up Vocals: Nick Tragakis Bass: Chris Poulos Guitars: Chris Tsitsis Guitars: Tony Lambrakis Drums: Panos Meletis Discography Sentenced To Life (2020, MDD) New War Order (2017 MDD) The Human Project (2015 MDD) The Brutal State (2013 MDD) Under Destruction (2011)

FABULOUS DESASTER - Off With Their Heads CD Package + T-Shirt "Logo"
Size: XL
Shirt: 100% cotton Bonn Area Thrash Metal! Friends of classic Thrash Metal should already get sweaty fingers at the band name. The Bonn Thrash Metalers Fabulous Desaster, who released their strapping debut album "Hang 'Em High" in 2016, are now releasing their second album "Off With Their Heads" - and notch up one's performance. Even though the bar for this band name is already very high, the quartet manages to keep this level on their new album and present 10 songs that have the potential to delight every Bay Area Thrash Metal fan. Losing more words here would be like carrying coals to Newcastle. This Thrash Metal firework was produced like the debut by and with Armin Rave at Soundsight Studio Hennef, while the coverartwork, also like the predecessor, is by the Guatemalan artist Mario W. Lopez M... With "Off With Their Heads" Fabulous Desaster locate the Bay Area on the Rhine and follow, besides all associations with genre heros, their own course. Thrash on!

Asphagor - The Cleansing BUNDLE ( Digipak CD + T-Shirt )
Size: S
Shirt: 100% cotton A new milestone! After the albums "Havoc" (2010) and "Anti" from 2013, which was described as one of the strongest black metal outputs from Austria, the path is clear for the third longplayer "The Cleansing" of the Austrian exceptional Black Metal act Asphagor. For this output, which documents a unique and logical evolution of the band, the successful collaboration with Patrick W. Engel from the Temple Of Disharmony Studio was continued to produce a successor that satisfie the high expectations - and exceed the high mark, which was set with "Anti". One can rightly say that with "The Cleansing" another milestone has been reached and this album will probably be one of the most intelligent and impressive Black Metal releases of the year 2018. Without getting lost in unneccesary production gimmicks, Asphagor create an overall work that is capable of creating an atmospheric density that enthrall you out over the entire 60-minute playing time of the album and leaving you back breathless and deeply impressed.

Realms Of Odoric - The Cimbric Age Package ( MCD + TS )
Size: XXL
Shirt: 100% cotton Realms Of Odoric - "The Cimbric Age" New mini album by the extraordinary artwork / soundtrack project REALMS OF ODORIC (Kris Verwimp / Arkadius Antonik) This epic release introducing new characters of the Odoric Saga! The epicness continues with 6 brand new soundtrack compositions and illustrations that take you on a fantastic journey through a fantasy world beyond any imaginations. Tracklist: 1. Into The Cimbric Age 2. Odoaric 3. Aenea (Reprise) 4. Cruàc 5. Arma 6. The Last Embrace (Choir Version)

Nocte Obducta - Totholz (ein Raunen aus dem Klammwald) Black Vinyl LP + T-Shirt "Totholz" PACKAGE
Size: XXXL
We deliever as soon as we got the vinyls directly from the pressing plant. T-Shirt: 100% cotton Old School … Surprisingly and less then 12 months after their "Mogontiacum (Nachdem die Nacht herabgesunken ...) album, Nocte Obducta introduce their now 12th longplayer. And that is not enough, because what has become apparent in parts on "Mogontiacum", finds its consequent continuation on their new work "Totholz Ein Raunen aus der Klangwald". Nocte Obducta close the circle to their musical roots! "Totholz" is a rough piece of metal, which have of course the band-typically harmonies and thus does not lose any of the uniqueness that characterizes their work. "Totholz" is oppressive, cold, raw, poignant and with the almost 15 minute "Wiedergänger Blues" also a bit psychedelic. Above all, this album is a confession to the "old school". Less experimental than some of his predecessors, but nevertheless anything but ordinary and at the end always unique. Nocte Obducta succeeds in perfecting her very own style and, at the same time, bring a bridge back to its beginnings without neglecting the developments of her more than 20-year history. This album is likely to meet the nerve of fans of all her creative periods. Tracklist: Innsmouth Hotel Die Kirche der wachenden Kinder Trollgott Totholz Ein stählernes Lied Liebster Wiedergänger Blues

Size: XXXL
Package containung: T-Shirt 100% cotton CD Old School … Surprisingly and less then 12 months after their "Mogontiacum (Nachdem die Nacht herabgesunken ...) album, Nocte Obducta introduce their now 12th longplayer. And that is not enough, because what has become apparent in parts on "Mogontiacum", finds its consequent continuation on their new work "Totholz Ein Raunen aus der Klangwald". Nocte Obducta close the circle to their musical roots! "Totholz" is a rough piece of metal, which have of course the band-typically harmonies and thus does not lose any of the uniqueness that characterizes their work. "Totholz" is oppressive, cold, raw, poignant and with the almost 15 minute "Wiedergänger Blues" also a bit psychedelic. Above all, this album is a confession to the "old school". Less experimental than some of his predecessors, but nevertheless anything but ordinary and at the end always unique. Nocte Obducta succeeds in perfecting her very own style and, at the same time, bring a bridge back to its beginnings without neglecting the developments of her more than 20-year history. This album is likely to meet the nerve of fans of all her creative periods. Tracklist: Innsmouth Hotel Die Kirche der wachenden Kinder Trollgott Totholz Ein stählernes Lied Liebster Wiedergänger Blues

Pessimist - Call To War Re-Release PACKAGE CD + T-Shirt
Size: XXL
Old School Thrash Metal The Package contain: Call To War Re-Release CD Logo T-Shirt The 2006 founded Pessimist did not take long to make up in the German scene a good name. After three highly acclaimed demos saw 2010 debut album "Call To War" the light of day. Unfortunately, the then-label 2013 closed its doors during the same year appeared the successor "Death From Above" at MDD. With their uncompromising old school heavy Thrash metal Pessimist quickly earned a growing audience, which meant that once the last stock on often demanded debut album went low. Call To War, however, is not an album that deserves to be forgotten, especially since not even six years have passed since the release. The nine songs are real crusher. Therefore, the decision matured to reissue the album. As a bonus, the band won the 2007 debut demo "Nuclear Holocaust" excavated, which is nowhere to get since 2008. The 5 songs got specially for this purpose a remastering, what certainly for fans of the Thrasher is a worthwhile combination. Tracklist: Trommelfeuer The Massacre Of Nanking Infernal Death Prelude (Arm For War) Call To War Son Of Satan It's Time To Fuck (With Hate) Death By Torture Another Day In Mania Bonustracks: Hell Of War Kill Or Be Killed Armageddon I Hate You Nuclear Holocaust

Nocte Obducta - Mogontiacum CD + Emblem TS
Size: XXL
100% cotton

VERMOCRACY - Age Of Dysphoria - Limited BOX
LIMITED BOX SET contains - printed aluminium box - CD "Age Of Dysphoria" JewelCase - printed patch 10x10cm - signed autograph card - 3x Stickers Dark melodic death metal ! Vermocracy from Vienna, founded in 2017, already caused quite a stir in the underground with their self-titled debut, released in 2020. The band has undoubtedly dedicated itself to dark melodic death metal, as a nod to the genre greats of the 90s. Stylistically and in terms of content, the band draws a dystopian picture of the failure and decay of modern society with powerful riffs, earthy grooves and bestial vocals. With "Age Of Dysphoria", the band consistently continues the path they have taken since their foundation and delivers an album that sets new standards in the band's history, both technically and compositionally. Aggressiveness paired with the necessary groove, playful melodies combined with powerful harshness and all that, despite a clear homage to the melodic death metal of the nineties, with a contemporary freshness and great joy of playing characterises the album, which lyrically deals with the desolation and hopelessness of today. Age Of Dysphoria" was recorded, produced and mastered in Norbert Leitner's studio in Vienna, which gives the band a more than powerful sound, which is further enhanced by the artwork by Armin Stocker, who also gives the whole thing a fitting visual framework. Vermocracy will definitely be a force to be reckoned with in the years to come! TRACKLIST 01. Intro 02. Necrocracy 03. World Of Wounds 04. The Void's Embrace 05. Opposed Evolution 06. Grace Of Hypnos 07. Perpetual Flood 08. The Pyre 09. In Darkness Let Me Dwell

HEADSHOT- Eyes Of The Guardians lim.DigiPak Boxset
Limited Alubox/DigiPak Bundle, includes: - Tin-Box Album Design - noble 6-pgd Digipak - 192 pcs PuzzlePoster (ca. 40x30cm) - Stainless Steel Bottle Opener „Eyes Of The Guardians“ - signed autograph postcard - Sticker, Buttons  Rude Thrash Metal Neckbreaker!  Die bereits 1993 gegründeten (seit 2008 mit Daniela Karrer female fronted) Braunschweiger Headshot sind seit Jahren eine Bank wenn es um deftigen, aggressiven, SF Bay Area inspirierten, Thrash Metal aus deutschen Landen geht. Auch wenn das letzte Studioalbum schon einige Jahre zurück liegt, war das Quintett nie von der Bildfläche verschwunden, sondern berackerte unermüdlich deutsche und internationale Bühnen.  Anno 2022 meldet sich die Band mit „Eyes of the Guardians“ endlich auch an der Tonträgerfront zurück und stellt unter Beweis, dass man noch lange nicht zum alten Eisen gehört und in Sachen Brutalität und Härte nichts verlernt hat. Im Gegenteil: Die vorliegenden 10 Songs sind geradezu eine Lehrstunde in Sachen nackenbrecherischen Thrash, wobei es der Band gelingt, ohne mit ihrem Stil zu brechen, darauf durchaus auch neue Töne anzuschlagen und das Album so zum zweifellosen Höhepunkt ihres bisherigen Schaffens zu machen. Gerade Frontfrau Daniela Karrer überrascht, neben ihren brutalen Shouts und vereinzelten Grunts, mit ungewohnten melodische Passagen. Und so mancher Schrei aus ihrem Munde dürfte Rob Halford wehmütig an alte Zeiten denken lassen.Aufgenommen und produziert haben die Niedersachsen die Scheibe zwischen Juli 2019 und Februar 2022 im PureSonic Studio, Langelsheim unter den Fittichen von Jost Schlüter (u.a. Final Cry, Deny The Urge, Iron Fate). Be aware - this is a monster!  TRACKLIST 01 Burned (One by one)02 Eyes Of The Guardians03 Scars Of Damnation04 Ground Zero 05 Tentacular (Part 1) 06 Divide Et Impera 07 Under A Blood Red Sky 08 The Impenetrable Maze 09 Veins Of The Earth 10 Invisible
