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DEIMOS' DAWN - Anthem Of The Lost - VINYL LP

Produktinformationen "DEIMOS' DAWN - Anthem Of The Lost - VINYL LP"
12" VINYL LP - Cover mit haptisch edlem inside-out Druck!

Marc Grewe goes THRASH METAL 

 Wenn sich Deutschlands umtriebiger Vorzeige-Growler Marc Grewe (ex-Morgoth, Insidious Disease) anschickt hinter ein Mikrofon zu treten, kann man sich darauf verlassen mit astreinem Death Metal beschallt zu werden … bis jetzt! Denn mit Deimos’ Dawn steht das Szene Urgestein erstmals einer THRASH METAL Band klassischer Prägung voran. Bands wie Kreator, Slayer, Sodom und Sepultura haben offensichtlich tiefe Spuren bei den Bandgründern Andy Doé (Gitarre), Matthias Lange (Bass) und Mathias Schmidt (drums) hinterlassen, sodass die drei, die sich seit frühester Kindheit kennen, nicht lange auf Ideenfang gehen mussten, als man Deimos Dawn 2017 aus der Taufe hob und alsbald mit Marc den perfekten Frontmann rekrutierte.

12 Songs, denen Grewe mit der vollen Stimmbandbreite seines Könnens und der vielfältigsten Gesangsleistung seiner Karriere die schwarzgoldene Krone eines Gift und Galle speienden Königs der Unterwelt aufsetzt, warten darauf einen frischen Wind der Verwüstung durch eure Gehörgänge zu blasen. Die große Spielfreude der Band macht dabei unmissverständlich klar, dass Deimos’ Dawn etwas besonderes sind. So besonders, dass der ehemalige Sodom-Gitarrist und Tausendsassa Andy Brings vor Begeisterung über Konzept und Songs (fast) alle Texte schreiben und Grewes Vocals produzieren musste. Ja, musste!

 Mit „Anthem Of The Lost“ schreiben Deimos´ Dawn zweifellos ein neues, starkes Kapitel im großen Buch des Thrash Metal!

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Mehr Thrash

MEZZROW - Summon Thy Demons - lim. DigiPak
Die Schwedische Thrash Metal Legende MEZZROW feiert mit dem neuen Album „Summon Thy Demons" eine eindrucksvolle Rückkehr!  "Summon thy demons" erscheint als limitierte CD im Digipak.Mezzrow haben sich in den späten Achtzigern einen Namen in der Thrash Metal-Szene mit ihren von der Kritik hochgelobten Demotapes "Frozen Soul" und "Cross of Tormention" erspielt. Im Jahr 1990 veröffentlichten sie ihren Debütklassiker "Then Came the Killing" über Active Records, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Music for Nations. Das Album gilt noch heute als eine der besten, wenn nicht die beste Thrash-Metal-Veröffentlichung aus Schweden und Skandinavien.  Im Jahr 2021 stieg Mezzrow wie ein Phoenix aus der Asche auf, als Bassist Conny Welén (ex- Hexenhaus) und Sänger Uffe Pettersson (ex-Rosicrucian) beschlossen, ein neues Zeichen in der Thrash Metal-Welt von heute zu setzen. Zusammen mit den neuen Gitarristen Magnus Söderman (Nightrage) und Ronnie Björnström (ex-Defiatory, ex-Aeon) wurden neue Killersongs geschrieben, die puren Thrash Metal der Spitzenklasse darstellen.Tracklist: 1. King Of The Infinite Void 2. Through The Eyes Of The Ancient Gods 3. Summon Thy Demons 4. What Is Dead May Never Die 5. De Mysteriis Inmortui 6. Beneath The Sea Of Silence 7. On Earth As In Hell 8. Blackness Fell Upon The World 9. Dark Spirit Rising 10. The End Of Everything 

14,99 €*
Nevermore - The Politics Of Extasy - CD
Über die Prog/Thrasher von NEVERMORE noch viele Worte verlieren ist wie Eulen nach Athen tragen. Die Alben der Band aus Seattle rund um Sänger Warrel Dane gehören auch 5 Jahre nach seinem plötzlichen Tod nicht nur zu seinem persönlichen, sondern auch zu einem genreprägenden, allumfassenden musikalischem Vermächtnis. Mit dem vertrackten Zweitlingswerk „The Politics of Ecstasy“ sowie mit dem 2000er Longplayer „Dead Heart in a Dead World“, mit welchem der Band auch kommerziell der endgültige Durchbruch in der Metalszene gelang, werden hier zwei Alben der progressiven Power/Thrasher wiederveröffentlicht, die einfach in jede CD Sammlung gehören. Gespickt voller Ausnahmesongs haben Nevermore hier sich selbst und Warrel Dane ein Denkmal für die Ewigkeit gesetzt, derweil Gitarrist Curran Murphy mit seinem Nachfolge Projekt SHATTER MESSIAH dabei ist das Erbe fortzuführen. Ein ReRelease war daher lange überfällig, denn beide Alben sind mittlerweile stark vergriffen und sollten auf keinen Fall in Vergessenheit geraten!

11,99 €*
Shatter Messiah - Hail The New Cross - CD
Lost, Found & Remastered! Mit SHATTER MESSIAH schickte sich ex-Nevermore/ex-Annihilator Gitarrist Curran Murphy im Frühjahr 2005 an, musikalisch in die Fußstapfen seiner beiden Vorgängerbands zu treten und unter eigenem Banner fortzuführen. Stilistisch verbindet Shatter Messiah hierbei perfekt beide genannte Bands zu einer Symbiose, die jeden Liebhaber des Genres in Entzückung zu versetzen vermag. Leider war der Band das Schicksal nicht hold, denn obwohl das vorliegende dritte Album der Band „Hail The New Cross“ offiziell das Veröffentlichungsdatum von 2013 trägt, taucht es in vielen offiziellen Quellen, Archiven und Discographien überhaupt nicht auf. Was ist passiert? Das Album sollte im Frühjahr 2013 das Licht der Welt erblicken - und irgendwie hat es dass auch geschafft, denn es existiert tatsächlich eine gepresste Auflage, sowie einige Reviews. Leider fand eine weiterführende Verbreitung bzw ein umfassender Vertrieb durch das Label nicht statt. Bereits im Juli 2013 war die Domain des Labels „suspended“, fortan gab es kein Lebenszeichen mehr und „Hail The New Cross“ verschwand in einem Status zwischen „veröffentlicht aber vergessen“. Anno 2022 wird es also höchste Zeit, dieses Kleinod aus der Schattenwelt ins Licht zu zerren und mit einem remasterten Sound endlich - und für viele erstmals - einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen!

11,99 €*
HOLY MOSES - Invisible Queen - DoCD DigiPak (+ invincible friends)
Das neue & finale Studioalbum "Invisible Queen" der legendären deutschen Thrash Metal Kult-Band HOLY MOSES - als limitierte Doppel CD im DigiPak!"Invisible Queen"  als limitierte Doppel-CD im Digipak inkl. "Invincible Friends" Bonus-CD mit allen Songs des Albums gesungen von namhaften Gastsängern (u.a. OVERKILL, SODOM, MESHUGGAH, TANKARD, NEVOSA, HEADSHOT und ASSASSIN).Das Jahr 2023 wird das letzte Kapitel in der langen Geschichte der legendären deutschen Thrash Metal-Band HOLY MOSES markieren, das mit dem kommenden neuen Studioalbum "Invisible Queen" und einer letzten Reihe von Live-Shows gefeiert wird.CD 1 Tracklist: 1. Downfall Of Mankind 2. Cult Of The Machine 3. Order Out Of Chaos 4. Invisible Queen 5. Alternative Reality 6. The New Norm 7. Visions In Red 8. Outcasts 9. Forces Great And Hidden 10. Too Far Gone 11. Depersonalized 12. Through The Veils Of SleepCD 2: Invincible Friends  1. Downfall Of Mankind (Feat. Marloes Voskuil – Haliphron) 2. Cult Of The Machine (Feat. Bobby Ellsworth – Overkill) 3. Order Out Of Chaos (Feat. Diva Satanica – Nervosa) 4. Invisible Queen (Feat. Ingo Bajonczak – Assassin / Bonded) 5. Alternative Reality (Feat. Tom Angelripper – Sodom) 6. The New Norm (Feat. Chris Staubach – Courageous) 7. Visions In Red (Feat. Rægina – Dæmonesq) 8. Outcasts (Feat. Leif Jensen – Dew-Scented) 9. Forces Great And Hidden (Feat. Gerre – Tankard) 10. Too Far Gone (Feat. Jens Kidman – Meshuggah) 11. Depersonalized (Feat. Daniela Karrer – Headshot) 12. Through The Veils Of Sleep (Feat. Ryker’s)

15,99 €*
Nevermore - Dead Heart in a Dead World - CD
To say much about the prog/thrashers Nevermore is like carrying coals to Newcastle. Even 5 years after his sudden death, the albums of the band from Seattle around singer Warrel Dane are not only part of his personal, but also of a genre-premiering, all-embracing musical legacy. With the intricate second album "The Politics of Ecstasy" as well as the 2000 longplayer "Dead Heart in a Dead World", with which the band also achieved their commercial breakthrough in the metal scene, two albums by the progressive power/thrashers are re-released here, which simply belong in every CD collection. Packed with exceptional songs, Nevermore have set a monument to themselves and Warrel Dane for eternity, while guitarist Curran Murphy is about to continue the legacy with his follow-up project SHATTER MESSIAH. A re-release was therefore long overdue, as both albums are now heavily out of print and should definitely not be forgotten!

11,99 €*
Nuclear Warfare - Just Fucking Thrash
The german alcohol-Thrash-Force is back with their new kick in your face! Great teutonic Thrash for all lovers of Kreator, Sodom, Destruction and Tankard. Just read the CD-title and you know what to expect! Nothing for the weak!

10,99 €*
Sadus - Illusions (Chemical Exposure) CD
Tracklist: Illusions 01. Certain Death 02. Undead 03. Sadus Attack 04. Torture 05. And Then You Die 06. Hands Of Hate 07. Twisted Face 08. Fight Or Die 09. Illusions 10. Chemical Exposure D.T.P. Demo 11. Sadus Attack 12. Torture 13. Kill Team 14. Desolator 15. Fight Or Die 16. Twisted Face Certain Death Demo 17. Number One 18. Hands Of Hate Videoclip Certain Death

12,99 €*
Holycide - Toxic Mutation Mini-CD MCD

7,99 €*
Fall Of Carthage - Behold Digipak CD
A style unbound, solid, fucking metal axe! Thats how could the debut of German FALL OF CARTHAGE aptly describe. The band, consisting of Arkadius Antonik (SUIDAKRA) and Martin Buchwalter (PERZONAL WAR), which have brought with Sascha Assbach the appropriate gain on the mic, don't care to suit a musical genre designation. It is all about to celebrate a good deal of METAL and this release in a heavy, groovy and razor-sharp sound gown, with hordes of catchy melodies. This is exactly the trio with their present album succeeded. Behold, the name of this untamed bastard, was recorded late last year in the Gernhart Studios (Accuser, Destruction, Elvenking) and is decorated with an artwork from the hands of Björn Goosses / Killustrations (Dew Scented, Night in Gales, Norther). With 20 years experience in the metal scene it seems easy for the Trio, devote himself to the pure joy of playing and delivering a surprisingly fresh album.

12,99 €*
Exarsis - The Human Project CD
Thrash Metal as Thrash Metal can be! Whose heart beats for finest Old School Thrash Metal, which has the Greeks of Exarsis least since the 2013er album "The Brutal State" on his radar. With the third album "The Human Project" you can certainly go as far as to say: At Exarsis anno 2015 there is no Thrash Metal way around. After extensive tours (with Suicide Angels, Fueled By Fire und Lost Society) an a lot of Live Shows (with Anthrax, Sodom, Tankard, Judas Priest) it took the band in the Athens D-Studios, to record the follow-up work to "The Brutal State". With the new album the Greeks have created a piece of Thrash Metal that really kick asses. Every fan of the genre should in his record collection between Overkill, Nuclear Assault, Anthrax and Vio-Lence to create some space for this masterpiece. Neckbreaking riffs , dizzying Solos, and with the new singer Nick a voice, which makes every genre fan mouths water, even if it pushes forward into US-Power Metal spheres. Tracklist: Arrivals Medicine Abnormal Generation Police Brutality R.F.I.D. False Flag Attack Know Your Enemy (322) Skull And Bones Change Of Plans Brutal State

10,99 €*
Hatred - War of Words CD
Steamroller from the depths of hell Since 1998 already, the Franconias from HATRED are active in the metal climes. After their albums Madhouse Symphonies in 2008 and Destruction Manual in 2010 was apparently a little quieter. With „We Are The Moshcrew“ the band contribute the official hymn to the Metal-action-adventure-game „Brütal Legend“ and in the following the fivepiece played a lot of live shows and tours with bands like Cripper and Godslave. Furthermore the band is one of the few who have played an liveshow in Dubai! In 2015 Hatred logs back now impressively with a new album! Musically the Band is not being readily pigeonholed, but it is unmistakably a large dose of US-Thrash Metal as a solid base. Mixed with a few Death Metal influences you got an highly explosive mixture, which tempts you to wild headbang movement Even after 17 years in business you can be certain: Where Hatred is on it, there Hatred is in it! Hatred in 2015 are brutal, authentic and refreshing at the same time. Like a steamroller from the depths of hell sound the latest album of the quintet its way through the ear canals and excited old and young metalheads simultaneously.

10,99 €*
Soilid - Into The Ruins CD
Musical Demolition Squad After their debut "Murder Diary" in 2012, the quintet from Southern Germany got a lot of credit and completed the following years numerous festivals and club shows with bands like Tankard, Debauchery, Disbelief and others. In the end of 2015 the band boarded again the well known Kohlekeller Studio (Cripper, Crematory). With "Into The Ruins" is now an album on the shelves, which like a musical wrecking ball, carves its own way through meter-thick concrete and steel in the ear canals. A powerful production paves the way for board-like guitar riffs, powerful shouts and a drum roll that leaves no stone unturned. In this case no consideration can be taken to musical conventions. Elements of Neo-Thrash and Hardcore merge to high class modern metal, studded with classical melodies and damn lot of groove. FOR FANS OF: Killswitch Engage, Heaven Shall Burn, Hatebreed, Testament, Machine Head, Parkway Drive

10,99 €*
Wild Zombie Blast Guide - Back From The Dead CD
Thrashing Metal Madness With "Back From The Dead" the germans from Wild Zombie Blast Guide released their thirs album. The album contains 9-tracks of finest and old school inspired Thrash Metal. If you are willing to add a „core“ to the style description, you should note that this refers less to modern metalcore, but rather to old school moshcore in the vein of D.R.I. paired with other thrash bands from the early days of the genre like Exodus or Anthrax. Instead, however, to get caught up in endless retro homage, Wild Zombie Blast Guide bundle the basic musical feeling from the late eighties and early nineties simply in the present, refine and perfect the whole thing with contemporary song structures and a great production - and ready is the Thrashing Metal Madness, for old and new fans of this genre!

10,99 €*
Pessimist - Call To War Re-Release CD
Old School Thrash Metal The 2006 founded Pessimist did not take long to make up in the German scene a good name. After three highly acclaimed demos saw 2010 debut album "Call To War" the light of day. Unfortunately, the then-label 2013 closed its doors during the same year appeared the successor "Death From Above" at MDD. With their uncompromising old school heavy Thrash metal Pessimist quickly earned a growing audience, which meant that once the last stock on often demanded debut album went low. Call To War, however, is not an album that deserves to be forgotten, especially since not even six years have passed since the release. The nine songs are real crusher. Therefore, the decision matured to reissue the album. As a bonus, the band won the 2007 debut demo "Nuclear Holocaust" excavated, which is nowhere to get since 2008. The 5 songs got specially for this purpose a remastering, what certainly for fans of the Thrasher is a worthwhile combination. Tracklist: Trommelfeuer The Massacre Of Nanking Infernal Death Prelude (Arm For War) Call To War Son Of Satan It's Time To Fuck (With Hate) Death By Torture Another Day In Mania Bonustracks: Hell Of War Kill Or Be Killed Armageddon I Hate You Nuclear Holocaust

10,99 €*
Fall Of Carthage - The Longed-For Reckoning CD
Fall Of Carthage The Longed-For Reckoning Genre-defying creativity! With their second album, "The Longed-For Reckoning", FALL OF CARTHAGE prove their intentions are serious. After numerous live shows it’s clear this is not just a side-project of Arkadius Antonik (SuidAkrA, Realms Of Odoric) and Martin Buchwalter (Perzonal War), who pulled Sascha Aßbach in front of the mic after a long absence from the music scene. Sixteen songs represent a genre-defying creativity and joy for experimentation, as well as, their love for detail and natural sounds. Those who expect programmed blast-beats and typical Thrash or Metalcore structures will be in for a surprise. What you get is much more. Their sound can be described somewhere between groove metal, hardcore and rap without having the feeling of simply throwing sounds together. The versatility of Sascha’s vocals is convincing in its full spectrum. FOC have grown together musically, the new tracks are catchy without getting boring and so “The Longed-For Reckoning" will surely be a highlight for 2017. Like the debut, “Behold,” this album was produced at Gernhart Studio in Troisdorf, and promises a fat ass sound with superb mixing. Tracklist: Fast Forward Dust And Dirt Sick Intentions They're Alive Swept To The Edge Complete For The Soul To Save Whodini Peckawood Suffer The Pain Down Like Honey Tapeworms Paint It White Bury The Crisis Puerile Scumbag Turning Point Black December

10,99 €*
Nuclear Warfare - Empowered By Hate CD
Thrash To The Bone! For 15 years now the South German NUCLEAR WARFARE have dedicated themselves to the good old Thrash Metal of the 80s and have established themselves in the last years to spearheading this genre. In addition to countless tours and concerts across the continent, the time has come for a new album every few years. So also 2017. "Empowered By Hate" is the name of the new album, and the album title reflects the aim! 10 neckbreakers have hammered, produced and mastered in the Papiris studio in Sao Paulo. The work was made under the direction of Caio Monfort between August 2016 and January 2017, in order to release them into humanity in the form of their now fifth longplayer. And everyone who knows the South Germans, knows also that their merciless homage to the German Thrash of the 80s, mixed with Bay Area influences, is always able to unscrew your head! Losing much more words would be like carry coals to Newcastle. In addition, the band regularly found a way to descripe their music in just a few words, like the titel of the predecessor album "Just Fucking Thrash". This time the last track of the album gets the point: "Thrash To The Bone". Nothing more to say! FOR FANS OF: Sodom, Destruction, Tankard, Death Angel

10,99 €*
Odium - As The World Turns Black CD
High Class melodic Thrash Attack! In 2018 the Frankfurt based ODIUM will celebrate its 25th anniversary. Reason enough after their last album "The Science Of Dying" from the year 2014 to the bring a new album to the masses! The german metal hammer honors the Quintett once with the words "Odium belong to the best what the German underground scene has to offer". With their now tenth release and eighth longplayer, the Hesse are now ready to underline this sentence impressively! "As The World Turns Black" is undoubtedly the musical highlight of their work. Nine heavy projectiles have the four guys and the girl in their luggage, to celebrate their catchy and yet sophisticated metal, which is stylistically oriented between thrash and power, and blow them the listener around the ears. Odium prove to the world that even after 25 years of band history, that they are still not a part of the old guard. On the occasion of their forthcoming jubilee next year, the band also announced some surprises. The album was recorded and produced under the direction of Martin Buchwalter in the well-known Gernhart Studio (a.o. Tankard, SuidAkrA). Björn Goosses / Killustrations is responsible for the cover art, which interprets the album title very well. With a new labe the year 2017 knows mainly one direction for the band: Full ride ahead! FOR FANS OF: Metallica, Rage, Megadeth

10,99 €*
Exarsis - New War Order CD
The Return Of Thrash Metal! Classic Old School Thrash Metal seems to be experiencing its renaissance these days. The Greeks of Exarsis, however, are among the representatives of the genre who have kept the flag of Thrash Metal up even in times when it seemed far less popular in public perception. Since their 2010 demo, the guys are on the road and have released two highly-acclaimed albums with "The Brutal State" and "The Human Project" in 2013 and 2015. These have led to concerts and tours with bands such as Suicide Silence, Fueled By Fire, Anthrax, Judas Priest, or as now on the occasion of the release of the new album with Onslaught and Artillery brought. With "New War Order", Exarsis release an album, which lets every Thrash Metal Maniac click his tongue.The Greeks do not stingy with neckbreaker riffs and dizzying solos, which should lead every fan of this genre to create some space in his record collection between Overkill, Nuclear Assault, Vio-Lence an Anthrax "New War Order" was recorded again at the D Studios in Athens and mixed and mastered by Mike Karpathiou. FOR FANS OF: Overkill, Anthrax, Nuclear Assault, Vio-lence

10,99 €*
Fall Of Carthage - Emma Green CD
With Body & Soul! Less than a year after the release of their last album, FALL OF CARTHAGE will soon release their third album entitled "EMMA GREEN." Founded in 2014, the trio of Arkadius Antonik, Martin Buchwalter and Sascha Aßbach remains true to their lineage and is not limited to predetermined, metal sub-genre boundaries. When listening to the album, it quickly becomes clear that this is the result of a consistent development of the band, which is not fixed on trends or cliché, but can be found somewhere between hardcore and groove metal. The ten new songs on EMMA GREEN seem more compact, but don't lose their accustomed pressure, attention to detail and creativity. Without a lot of bells and whistles, there are 9 kick-ass original tracks with the album finishing on a Beastie Boys cover song in bold self-interpretation. This time the lyrics are more about current world-political and social-critical topics, with the emphasis still on the processing of personal experiences. During the two-week production at the GERNHART Studio in Troisdorf, more than ever, emphasis was placed on natural sounds and fewer digital effects were used throughout. If you like variety and are bored with the realms of the typical metal, hardcore and thrash structures, you should urgently consider "EMMA GREEN." Here's some honest music from boys who are still committed with body and soul.

10,99 €*
Commander - Fatalis (The Unbroken Circle) CD
The Beast is unleashed! Commander have existed since 1999 and over the years have grown to become a real heavyweight of the German Death Metal underground. With countless tours and shows over the years very present, it was only on the front of an new releae of the Bavarian Quartet became a bit quiet. Since the last album "The Enemys We Create", some years have gone by, but in 2018 the band finally starts to unleashe their third longplayer "Fatalis (The Unbroken Circle)" to mankind. Like its predecessors, "Fatalis" is rooted in rough and brute death metal, with some thrashy experiments, that guarantees for a variety that is sometimes lacking in other releases in this segment. Powerful breaks and explosive guitar riffs like thunderstorms provide a drive you can't easily escape. One hears on every second of this album, that the songs have matured over the years and since they have been kept under lock and key for too long, now they are finally burning to be unleashed! Recorded in their own studio and mixed and mastered by none other than Patrick W. Engel in the Temple Of Disharmony (Atanatos, Fall Of Serenity, Maroon), Fatalis offers over 42 minutes of a finest feast, which allows every fan of traditional death metal to snort his tongue.

9,99 €*
Mindreaper - Mirror Construction (... a disordered World) CD
Traditional and solid MINDREAPER have been enriching the German underground scene for over 10 years with their traditional, melodic-thrashy death metal. After their successful debut album "Human Edge (... to the Abyss)" the second Full Lenght album of the Hessians is on the shelves in 2018 and should cause some neck pains among friends of the harder metal. As with the previous album the band continues with "Mirror Construction (... a disordered World)" the collaboration with Andy Classen in StageOne Studio (Requiem, Krisiun, Varg), under his leadership has the 10 songs recorded, produced and mastered, which guarantees a first-class sound. The 10 songs are all on a high technical level without wanting to reinvent the musical wheel. On 46 minutes there is traditional genre trademarks with neckbreaking riffs, catchy melodies and angry steamroller parts, which impressively document the maturing process of the quartet in the last years. The album artwork was made by Björn Gooßes/Killustration (Odium, Kataklysm, The Crown), who once again succeeded in creating a graphically high-quality rendition of the album title.

9,99 €*
KINGBEAST - Straps Of Wrath CD
Long live the riffs, the sweat, the beer and the metal! The Groove Thrash Metal Monster KINGBÉAST from Nuremberg, existing since 2012, is considered one of the best kept secrets of the German scene. Their self-produced 2014 debut "Demonic Beast Arises" was not undeservedly voted Demo of the Month at german Rock Hard Magazine. With "Straps Of Wrath" the band now puts a successor on the CD shelves that more than does justice to the early praise of their debut. With their razor-sharp guitar riffs, paired with a lot of groove up to slower doom sounds and the phenomenal drumming of Goath drummer Tobias Bezold the trio makes sure that no neck remains painless! The band retains a versatility that is second to none - without taking the pressure off, even in the quieter and melodic passages! Mixed and mastered by Lars Lüttge at Deadlight Studio (a.o. Berzerker Legion, Vomit Desease) in Nuremberg, "Straps Of Wrath" will thirteen times kick your ass and will blow you away for sure. To say it in the words of the band: Long live the riffs, the sweat, the beer and the metal! In metal we trust! TRACKLIST 1. Starting A New Life 2. Leave Them To Die 3. Numb The Pain 4. Fix The Problem 5. Youth 6. A Soul Demise 7. Badass 8. Straps Of Wrath 9. Blissfully Unaware 10. Caving In 11. En Pleine Nuit 12. V strede srdciach od európy 13. Gargoyles running time: 43:31 min

10,99 €*
OUT OF ORDER - Facing The Ruin CD
The only thing that matters is: IT ROCKS! Founded in 1991, Out Of Orders are one of veterans of the German underground metal scene. Their initial mixture of Power and Speed Metal has become harder and more complex over the years and with the third longplayer "Facing The Ruin" the band presents themselves with experienced and technically outstanding melodic Thrash/Power Metal, which doesn't deny its musical influences and combine the Bay Area Thrash Metal of the 80s with a good portion of melody. After more than 25 years on stage, the band is not interested in serving any trends, but just doing what they want to do. No matter what pigeonholes are available, the most important thing for the South Germans is "that it rocks". For the recordings of the current album, they have relied on the cooperation with various producers. The vocal recordings were done by Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear), the guitars by Markus Ullrich (Lanfear, Septagon) and for the final mix is Dirk Burke / Lakeside Studios (Knorkator, Pyroclasm, Dritte Wahl) in Berlin responsible.

9,99 €*
DISSORTED - The Final Divide CD
Pleasure of playing! The Bavarian Melodic Thrasher from Dissorted, originally founded in 2004 and re-formed in Munich in 2009, celebrate a kind of finest Melodic Thrash Metal. Somewhere between the neckbreaking riffs of bands like Exodus and Testament mixt with traditional stuff ala Iced Earth the guys have found their own identity and now present their long-awaited debut album "The Final Divide" after their 2014 EP "I". After countless shows in which the band has earned a reputation as a impactful live band, the quintet began recording this album at the Frankin Studios in Munich at the end of last year. The 10 songs were mixed and mastered in the Munich Dreamsound Studios by Jan Vacik and Flo Nowak, who are already known for their work with bands like Graveworm and Serenity, while for the breathtaking artwork Archetype Design is responsable. "The Final Divide" offers over 45 minutes a pure pleasure of playing and should make the heart of every Thrash Metal fan with a preference for a lot of melody beat faster.

9,99 €*

Mehr Vinyl

SKELETON PIT - Lust To Lynch Black Vinyl LP
Straightforward powerhouse! Old-School Thrash Metal -, straight, aggressive and without compromise. If you don't feel directly transported back to the 80s here, you never loved thrash! Without any experiments the trio also goes to the point on their second album. Already with their debut, the band managed to gain a kind of cult factor within a very short time, and extensively demonstrated their kind of music live at the Summer Breeze Open Air and several shows. On "Lust To Lynch" the band has developed in terms of aggressiveness, depth and also lyrically, without losing a trace of agility and power. The three guys from Aalen simply have thrash in their blood, which brings tears of joy to the eyes of the denim cut-off and high top sneaker wearer. "Lust To Lynch" was recorded by themselves and mixed and mastered by Marcel Kühn at Clydefrog Studio. The famous cover artwork was created by Arda Taner.

17,99 €*
SKELETON PIT - Lust To Lynch Red Vinyl LP
Straightforward powerhouse! Old-School Thrash Metal -, straight, aggressive and without compromise. If you don't feel directly transported back to the 80s here, you never loved thrash! Without any experiments the trio also goes to the point on their second album. Already with their debut, the band managed to gain a kind of cult factor within a very short time, and extensively demonstrated their kind of music live at the Summer Breeze Open Air and several shows. On "Lust To Lynch" the band has developed in terms of aggressiveness, depth and also lyrically, without losing a trace of agility and power. The three guys from Aalen simply have thrash in their blood, which brings tears of joy to the eyes of the denim cut-off and high top sneaker wearer. "Lust To Lynch" was recorded by themselves and mixed and mastered by Marcel Kühn at Clydefrog Studio. The famous cover artwork was created by Arda Taner.

17,99 €*
Hymns Of The Underground - The Vinyl Edition Black Vinyl LP
Label-Compilation as limited Vinyl Edition. With SDI (exklusive Track, only on this Compilation), Warped Cross, Suidakra, Nuclear Warfare (exklusive Track, only on this Compilation), Pessimist, GodSkill, Fabulous Desaster, Vampyromorpha, Mindreaper and Andralls... Don't miss this one...

12,99 €*
Nuclear Warfare - Empowered By Hate Black Vinyl LP
Thrash To The Bone! For 15 years now the South German NUCLEAR WARFARE have dedicated themselves to the good old Thrash Metal of the 80s and have established themselves in the last years to spearheading this genre. In addition to countless tours and concerts across the continent, the time has come for a new album every few years. So also 2017. "Empowered By Hate" is the name of the new album, and the album title reflects the aim! 10 neckbreakers have hammered, produced and mastered in the Papiris studio in Sao Paulo. The work was made under the direction of Caio Monfort between August 2016 and January 2017, in order to release them into humanity in the form of their now fifth longplayer. And everyone who knows the South Germans, knows also that their merciless homage to the German Thrash of the 80s, mixed with Bay Area influences, is always able to unscrew your head! Losing much more words would be like carry coals to Newcastle. In addition, the band regularly found a way to descripe their music in just a few words, like the titel of the predecessor album "Just Fucking Thrash". This time the last track of the album gets the point: "Thrash To The Bone". Nothing more to say! FOR FANS OF: Sodom, Destruction, Tankard, Death Angel

15,99 €*
Fabulous Desaster - Off With Their Heads Black Vinyl LP
Limited Edition with extra Lyric Sheet

15,99 €*
WARDRESS - Metal 'til the end - VINYL
METAL TILL THE END! - 12" Vinyl Wardress wurden ursprünglich bereits 1983 in Nürtingen gegründet und haben sich seitdem dem 80er NWOBHM verschrieben, es aber in ihren Anfangsjahren versäumt ihren Status mit einem entsprechenden Albumrelease zu zementieren. Es bedurfte einer quasi-Neugründung im Jahr 2018 als Gitarrist Gor und Sänger Erich beschlossen, wiedergefundenes Original-Songmaterial aus den Anfangszeiten der Band endlich auf Tonträger zu bannen. So erschein 2019 dann endlich ihr Debut „Dress For War“ (2019) auf welchem alten Songs auch aktuelles Material verewigt wurden. Die Zeit der Pandemiemaßnahmen nutze die Band für die Arbeiten an ihrem hier vorliegenden zweiten Album „Metal Til The End“, auf welchem die Band ihren Wurzeln stilistisch treu bleibt und den Albumtitel gleichzeitig zum Programm macht! Sägende Riffs mit überraschenden Breaks und hymnische Melodien im Wechsel mit explodierenden Soli, ergänzt durch bissig-ironische Texte. Produktion und Mix, für welche sich Rolf Munkes im Empire Studio in Bensheim verantwortlich zeigt, sorgt für eine dynamische live-artige Atmosphäre. „Metal ´Til the End“ scheint geradezu zu atmen, zu schwitzen und zu bluten. Heavy Metal in Reinform, ursprünglich und dennoch einfach zeitlos!

18,99 €*
Stagewar - Danger To Ourselves LP Black Vinyl Gatefold
Finest Thrash’n Roll! Stagewar, founded in 2003 in the Frankfurt area, live up to their name and have developed into a tireless live band over the last few years, playing a good 200 shows to date, with more to follow after the release of their third longplayer "Danger To Ourselves". The band themselves describe their style as "straight thrash metal with a good portion of rock'n'roll", which basically hits the nail on the head! The present 8 tracks captivate with catchy and multilayered arrangements. The whole thing was mixed and mastered at Pitchback Studios by Aljoscha Sieg (Suidakra, Eskimo Callboy, among others), which promises a brilliant production. The album's artwork is by tattoo artist James Reuter (Remember Tomorrow Tattoos) and enhances not only the digipak but also the vinyl edition in a fold-out gatefold. Stagewar anno 2021 sound more grown up than on their previous albums and are ready to dust off the neck muscles that got rusty during the Corona break and challenge them to new heights! TRACKLIST 1. Danger To Ourselves 2. Box Of Dirt 3. Follow Me 4. R.U.N. 5. Eough Is Not Enough 6. Hands Of Time 7. Nothing For Nothing 8. Over And Out

19,99 €*
SUIDAKRA - Lupine Essence LP Black Vinyl
Black Vinyl Limited 133 units The vinyl Edition is NOT remastered... This is the original! The legendary Debut 23 years have passed since the release of the debut album "Lupine Essence", which was to be the starting point of a career as adventurous as it was unique. As schoolboys, the guys delivered newspapers to be able to realise the project. What at that time was an enormous effort, both humanly and financially, was to give birth for the first time a German band which mixing folk with black metal. With 2000 units, the album sold out quickly and was only re-released once with the first edition of the digipak of "Auld Lang Syne". Since 1998 it is considered a completely lost diamond in the band's discography. Time to finally dig it up again, with new artwork (very similar to the original), bonus tracks and for the first time available on vinyl. Suidakra, that's over 25 years of band history, tours all over the world, placements at the biggest festivals AND still good friends who enjoy making music together. It was also important to the label to revive the beginning of this unusual and unique journey together with extra Linar Notes from Arkadius... TRACKLIST VINYL SIDE A 1. Banshee 2. Dragon Tribe 3. Heresy 4. Sheltering Dreams SIDE B 5. Havoc 6. Warpipes Call Me 7. … And A Minstrel Left The Mourning Valley 8. Sheltering Dreams (re-recorded 2020 Version) 9. … And A Minstrel Left The Mourning Valley (re-recorded 2020 Version) Discography 1997 Lupine Essence 1998 Auld Lang Syne 1999 Lays From Afar 2000 The Arcanum 2002 Emprise To Avalon 2003 Signs For The Fallen 2005 Command To Charge 2006 Caledonia 2009 Crógacht 2011 Book of Dowth 2013 Eternal Defiance 2016 Realms Of Odoric 2018 Cimbric Yarns 2019 Echoes Of Yore 2020 Lupine Essence (ReRelease) Line-Up Arkadius Antonik - vocals (harsh), guitars Marcel Schoenen - guitars, vocals (clean) Christoph Zacharowski - bass Stefan Möller - drums Daniela Voigt - keyboards, female vocals Tina Stabel - Female Vocals (2020)

17,99 €*