Role Play Melodic Death Metal!
Bosparans Fall have been on the metal scene for several years under different names and in other constellations, but only reformed as an RPG metal project in 2022. Conceptually, the band moves in Aventuria, a fantasy world from the German-language pen & paper role-playing game "Das Schwarze Auge".
Musically, the quintet, which will also elaborately implement the role-playing game theme in their live shows, has dedicated itself to melodic death metal, although various other and adjacent extreme metal genres also find their influences. With their present Full Lenght debut, Bosparans Fall write the first part of a story designed as a trilogy around the warrior Alrik Immerda, 1019 years after the battle on Bosparans battlements, drawn into the preparations of the ancient rituals that have been going on for almost two decades ...
"Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten" comes over you like a storm and draws you in with its ingenious narrative strands and arrangements. By the way, parts of the story, such as the character of the protagonist, were designed in close consultation with the DSA community on various internet boards. The musical saga was mixed and mastered by Michael Kraxenberger at Sick Of Sound, and the band itself was responsible for the graphic realisation of the concept.
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