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BOSPARANS FALL - Live At Aaargh Festival 2024 - CD

Product information "BOSPARANS FALL - Live At Aaargh Festival 2024 - CD"
Die süddeutschen Rollenspiel Death Metaller haben auf dem diesjährigen Aaargh Festival eine überzeugende Umsetzung ihres Konzeptalbums "Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten" abgeliefert und veröffentlichen den Mitschnitt nun als Livealbum!

 1. Intro
2. Rondra
3. Dunkle Zeiten
4. Bosparans Zinnen
5. Schwarzmagier Xardas
6. Firun
7. Praios
8. Ifirns Heim
9. Interlude
10. Kampf um Norbeneck
11. Alrik Immerda
12. Rondras Segen
13. Goldene Blüten auf blauem Grund

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SCULFORGE - Cosmic Crusade Chronicles - CD
Cosmic Crusade Chronicles. …Stories from the… errr… Nevermind!Die intergalaktische Reise geht weiter - das zweite Album der deutschen High-Speed-Power-Metaller setzt inhaltlich dort an wo das Debut (Intergalactic Battle Tunes) aufgehört hat! 11 Tracks zwischen Power und Thrash, Hymnen und Blast Beats, universellen Abgründen und Wahnsinn!

ACCUSER - Rebirthless - VINYL 12" LP
ATTENTION: Due to long production and delivery times for vinyl, this item will not be in stock until the end of December!Powerful thrash metal neckbreaker! Since their beginnings as torchbearers of German thrash metal in the 1980s, Siegen-based ACCUSER have established themselves as one of the most consistent and influential capacities in the international metal scene. With their unmistakable sound, which combines powerful riffs and complex song structures, they have gained a loyal fan base over the decades and inspired numerous generations of metal fans. With “Rebirthless”, the quartet now present their 13th studio album, picking up stylistically from their previous albums “Dependent Domination” and “Diabolic”, while also incorporating elements from the band's earlier albums. Overall, “Rebirthless” is exactly what the band envisioned: a powerful and thoughtful album that perfectly realizes their musical vision while containing everything that has always defined the band: powerful melodies, aggressive rhythms and profound lyrics that captivate listeners and make them think. The album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Martin Buchwalter at Gernhart Studio in Troisdorf. The cover artwork is based on the painting “La révolte des Enfers contre le Ciel (The revolt of the hell against the heaven)” by Antoine Joseph Wiertz.

BOSPARANS FALL - Live At Aaargh Festival 2024 - CD
Die süddeutschen Rollenspiel Death Metaller haben auf dem diesjährigen Aaargh Festival eine überzeugende Umsetzung ihres Konzeptalbums "Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten" abgeliefert und veröffentlichen den Mitschnitt nun als Livealbum!  1. Intro 2. Rondra 3. Dunkle Zeiten 4. Bosparans Zinnen 5. Schwarzmagier Xardas 6. Firun 7. Praios 8. Ifirns Heim 9. Interlude 10. Kampf um Norbeneck 11. Alrik Immerda 12. Rondras Segen 13. Goldene Blüten auf blauem Grund

FABULOUS DESASTER - Hang 'em High (2024 rerelease incl. Bonustracks(
Thrash Metal Attack Das Rerelease des 2016er Debut Albums der deutschen Thrash Metaller. Als Bonus enthält dieser Klassiker 4 weitere Tracks, die teils noch aus der Demo Phase der Band stammen, für dieses Rerelease allerdings neu aufgenommen wurden und in dieser Form bisher unveröffentlicht sind. 1. Death Is Loud 2. Faster Than Light 3. Warsaw 4. Thrash Bang Wallop 5. Midnight Fistfight 6. Wellness In Hell 7. R.I.P. (Rest In POWER) 8. Thrash Metal Symphony 9. Toxic Nuclear War 10. Customized -- bonus tracks --11. Hungry For Life 12. Burst Into Fames 13. When The Silence’s So Loud 14. Toxic Nuclear War BONUS TRACK INFOS "Hungry For Life" (vom Stay Hungry Demo 2005): Ältester der Songs, noch von der Fabulous Desaster Vorgänger-Band "Stay Hungry". Tauchte später noch mal 2013 auf dem zweiten Fabulous Desaster Demo "Chaos.Torture.Terror.Violence" auf.  "Burst Into Flames" und "When The Silence's So Loud" (vom ersten Fabulous Desaster Demo 2010): Allererste Fabulous Desaster Songs, in alter Stay Hungry Bandbesetzung (noch ohne Andi und Matthes).Die Songs wurden 2023 extra für das "Hang 'Em High" Re-release komplett neu eingespielt (bei Armin Rave im Soundsight Studio, wo auch die Hang ‘Em High produziert wurde). Bei allen 3 Aufnahmen ist am Gesang auch der ursprünglicher Bassist Patrick “Bude” Hausmann zu hören (bei “Burst Into Flames” sogar als Main-Vocals, er hatte den Song damals auch  geschrieben). "Toxic Nuclear War", alternative Version mit Andi statt Jan am Gesang. Tauchte schon einmal 2017 auf einer "Hang 'Em High" Südamerika-exclusive Edition auf. Ursprünglich wurde der Song von Andis Vorgänger am Bass "Bude" geschrieben und auch gesungen. Als Andi in die Band kam, hat er bei dem Song auch den Gesang übernommen und singt den Song bis heute live. Nur auf der Album Version wird der Song von Jam gesungen 

SUIDAKRA - DarkanakraD - VINYL 12" LP
Back to the roots?! Exactly 30 years to the month after the band was founded, German melodic/Celtic death metallers SUIDAKRA present their 15th studio album! Musically, the band seem to be returning to their early years with these 11 tracks, as DarkanakraD is undoubtedly dominated by melodic death metal parts, but at the same time also undergoes further development. The album, whose title translates as “Armageddon”, sounds as fresh and powerful as if the band had sprung from a fountain of youth and concludes the “Realms Of Odoric” trilogy, which began in 2016 with the album of the same name. The 11 songs, recorded, mixed and mastered for the first time by mastermind Arkadius himself at his own GHA Studio in Würzburg, were mastered by death metal legend Dan Swanö. This was something of a dream come true for Arkadius, as Edge Of Sanity played a formative role in the musical and melodic direction of the band in Suidakra's early days. With an At The Gates medley at the end of the record, Suidakra also pay tribute to another influence of their founding years.  The content concept, as well as the corresponding artwork, was once again created by Kris Verwimp and so “Darkankrad” contains everything that has shaped the band over the last 30 years and is an album that could not have been a better present for the band's anniversary, both for themselves and their die-hard fans! 

AEONBLACK - Metal Bound - CD
Lang lebe der Heavy Metal! Rerelease des 2014er Debut Albums der süddeutschen Heavy/Power Metaller!

ACCUSER - Rebirthless - CD
Powerful thrash metal neckbreaker! Since their beginnings as torchbearers of German thrash metal in the 1980s, Siegen-based ACCUSER have established themselves as one of the most consistent and influential capacities in the international metal scene. With their unmistakable sound, which combines powerful riffs and complex song structures, they have gained a loyal fan base over the decades and inspired numerous generations of metal fans. With “Rebirthless”, the quartet now present their 13th studio album, picking up stylistically from their previous albums “Dependent Domination” and “Diabolic”, while also incorporating elements from the band's earlier albums. Overall, “Rebirthless” is exactly what the band envisioned: a powerful and thoughtful album that perfectly realizes their musical vision while containing everything that has always defined the band: powerful melodies, aggressive rhythms and profound lyrics that captivate listeners and make them think. The album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Martin Buchwalter at Gernhart Studio in Troisdorf. The cover artwork is based on the painting “La révolte des Enfers contre le Ciel (The revolt of the hell against the heaven)” by Antoine Joseph Wiertz.

SUIDAKRA - DarkanakraD - lim. DigiPak
Back to the roots?! Exactly 30 years to the month after the band was founded, German melodic/Celtic death metallers SUIDAKRA present their 15th studio album! Musically, the band seem to be returning to their early years with these 11 tracks, as DarkanakraD is undoubtedly dominated by melodic death metal parts, but at the same time also undergoes further development. The album, whose title translates as “Armageddon”, sounds as fresh and powerful as if the band had sprung from a fountain of youth and concludes the “Realms Of Odoric” trilogy, which began in 2016 with the album of the same name. The 11 songs, recorded, mixed and mastered for the first time by mastermind Arkadius himself at his own GHA Studio in Würzburg, were mastered by death metal legend Dan Swanö. This was something of a dream come true for Arkadius, as Edge Of Sanity played a formative role in the musical and melodic direction of the band in Suidakra's early days. With an At The Gates medley at the end of the record, Suidakra also pay tribute to another influence of their founding years.  The content concept, as well as the corresponding artwork, was once again created by Kris Verwimp and so “Darkankrad” contains everything that has shaped the band over the last 30 years and is an album that could not have been a better present for the band's anniversary, both for themselves and their die-hard fans! 

SUIDAKRA - DarkanakraD - CD (Jewelcase)
Back to the roots?! Exactly 30 years to the month after the band was founded, German melodic/Celtic death metallers SUIDAKRA present their 15th studio album! Musically, the band seem to be returning to their early years with these 11 tracks, as DarkanakraD is undoubtedly dominated by melodic death metal parts, but at the same time also undergoes further development. The album, whose title translates as “Armageddon”, sounds as fresh and powerful as if the band had sprung from a fountain of youth and concludes the “Realms Of Odoric” trilogy, which began in 2016 with the album of the same name. The 11 songs, recorded, mixed and mastered for the first time by mastermind Arkadius himself at his own GHA Studio in Würzburg, were mastered by death metal legend Dan Swanö. This was something of a dream come true for Arkadius, as Edge Of Sanity played a formative role in the musical and melodic direction of the band in Suidakra's early days. With an At The Gates medley at the end of the record, Suidakra also pay tribute to another influence of their founding years.  The content concept, as well as the corresponding artwork, was once again created by Kris Verwimp and so “Darkankrad” contains everything that has shaped the band over the last 30 years and is an album that could not have been a better present for the band's anniversary, both for themselves and their die-hard fans! 

SLECHTVALK - At Death’s Gate (JewelCase)
Brutal & Epic Blackened Death Metal! The Dutch band Slechtvalk have been making their mark on the European metal scene since 1999 and have been delighting fans of symphonic, folk, black and Viking death metal for the past 25 years. While some bands lose their bite over the years, Slechtvalk present themselves more extreme and brutal than ever before on their sixth longplayer “At Death's Gate”. Fans of the band, who had to wait eight years for a follow-up to “Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide”, will be delighted with “At Death's Gate”. The Dutchmen create a dense, dark atmosphere with impressive precision, one moment creating a melodic tapestry of sound and the next bludgeoning everything to the ground. The 9 songs, which can perhaps best be described as “brutal, epic black/death metal”, were produced, mixed and mastered under the direction of Lasse Lammert at LSD Studio (Wind Rose, Alestorm, Strydegor, etc.). The cover artwork was created by Mark Erskine.

SLECHTVALK - At Death’s Gate (lim. DigiPak)
limited Digipak! Brutal & Epic Blackened Death Metal!The Dutch band Slechtvalk have been making their mark on the European metal scene since 1999 and have been delighting fans of symphonic, folk, black and Viking death metal for the past 25 years. While some bands lose their bite over the years, Slechtvalk present themselves more extreme and brutal than ever before on their sixth longplayer “At Death's Gate”. Fans of the band, who had to wait eight years for a follow-up to “Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide”, will be delighted with “At Death's Gate”. The Dutchmen create a dense, dark atmosphere with impressive precision, one moment creating a melodic tapestry of sound and the next bludgeoning everything to the ground. The 9 songs, which can perhaps best be described as “brutal, epic black/death metal”, were produced, mixed and mastered under the direction of Lasse Lammert at LSD Studio (Wind Rose, Alestorm, Strydegor, etc.). The cover artwork was created by Mark Erskine.

LANKESTER MERRIN - Dark Mother's Child - CD
Highly dynamic, female fronted powerhouse! After their successful second album “Dark Mother Rises”, the female fronted melodic metallers LANKESTER MERRIN from Lower Saxony present their third album “Dark Mother's Child”. It offers nine neck-breaking and at the same time highly melodic songs, including true metal anthems and varied midtempo rockers, heavy double bass numbers and mighty power ballads. On “Dark Mother's Child”, the band continues its breathtaking development and sometimes goes even harder than on its predecessors. Razor-sharp solos, lightning-fast double bass passages and driving guitar riffs make this album an audio experience worth listening to, whereby the multi-faceted vocals of frontwoman Cat Rogers should not go unmentioned. She has succeeded in refining her style, making her voice an almost unmistakable figurehead for Lankester Merrin. The album was again recorded and produced at the Institut für Wohlklangforschung in Hanover (e.g. Drone, Grailknights) under the direction of Hannes Huke and is recommended to every fan of catchy, powerful and melodic power metal that, despite female vocals, stays away from the usual symphonic corner!

FINAL CRY - Zombique - CD
New edition of the completely sold-out 2018 album by Lower Saxony melodic death/thrashers Final Cry. With "Zombique", the band made an impressive comeback after 11 years of radio silence and released the rawest and heaviest album in their history to date. Guitarist Eiko, who took over the vocals in the meantime, characterizes this album with deep growls (rather unusual for Final Cry up to this point) and contributes a lot to the fact that the content concept, which revolves around voodoo cults and zombie stories among the Caribbean slaves with partly historically documented protagonists and their influence up to the Haitian revolution, also unfolds musically in full brutality.  Recorded and produced under the direction of Jost Schlüter at Pure Sonic Studios in Langelsheim, "Zombique" also features all of the band's trademarks that have grown over the years: merciless riffing, high tempos, great melodies and guitarist Eiko Truckenbrodt's almost unmistakable solos.  "Zombique" is a prime example of how a band should come back after a long break: With a punch right in the face! This re-released version of the comeback album features a slightly modified cover artwork. 

SERVANT - Aetas Ascensus - CD
Age of Ascension ! With their impressive debut "Blessed By The Light Of A Thousand Stars" Servant belonged to the Black Metal surprises of the year 2021. Now with "Aetas Ascensus" the successor is ready to confirm the high expectations, which they undoubtedly succeed in doing! With the new 9 songs Servant fulfil their claim to take the next step.  Musically, much of the new material seems more furious and wild. Blast beats are paired with complex harmonic guitars and merge with the authentic vocals to create an emotionally charged atmosphere. Melody and harmony are the cornerstones of another impressive Black Metal work, which lyrically deals with a variety of religious texts, whereby gnosis plays a major role here and also the politics behind. So the album also contains songs about emperors and kings who have fallen prey to madness and have helped to destroy themselves and their empire.   "Aetas Ascensus" is a complex piece of music, bursting with a wealth of details. Those who already enjoyed the Scandinavian Black Metal influenced debut will love the no less majestic, latently symphonic and yet more brute successor!

DEIMOS' DAWN - Anthem Of The Lost - VINYL LP
Marc Grewe goes THRASH METAL!  When Germany's flagship-growler Marc Grewe (ex-Morgoth, Insidious Disease) gets ready to step behind a microphone, you can be sure to be bombarded with pure Death Metal ... until now! Because with Deimos' Dawn the scene veteran stands for the first time in front of a THRASH METAL band of pure and classical coinage. Bands like Kreator, Slayer, Sodom and Sepultura have obviously left deep marks on the band's founders Andy Doé (guitar), Matthias Lange (bass) and Mathias Schmidt (drums), so that the three, who have known each other since early childhood, didn't have to spend a long time looking for ideas when they launched Deimos Dawn in 2017 and soon recruited the perfect frontman in Marc. 12 songs, on which Grewe with the full vocal range of his skills and the most diverse vocal performance of his career puts the black-golden crown of a poison and bile-spewing king of the underworld, are waiting to blow a fresh wind of devastation through your brain.  The band's great joy in playing makes it unmistakably clear that Deimos' Dawn are something special. So special, in fact, that former Sodom guitarist and jack-of-all-trades Andy Brings had to write (nearly) all lyrics and produce Grewe's vocals out of sheer enthusiasm for the concept and songs. Yes, had to!  With "Anthem Of The Lost" Deimos' Dawn undoubtedly write a new, strong chapter in the big book of Thrash Metal!

DEIMOS' DAWN - Anthem Of The Lost - CD
Marc Grewe goes THRASH METAL!  When Germany's flagship-growler Marc Grewe (ex-Morgoth, Insidious Disease) gets ready to step behind a microphone, you can be sure to be bombarded with pure Death Metal ... until now! Because with Deimos' Dawn the scene veteran stands for the first time in front of a THRASH METAL band of pure and classical coinage. Bands like Kreator, Slayer, Sodom and Sepultura have obviously left deep marks on the band's founders Andy Doé (guitar), Matthias Lange (bass) and Mathias Schmidt (drums), so that the three, who have known each other since early childhood, didn't have to spend a long time looking for ideas when they launched Deimos Dawn in 2017 and soon recruited the perfect frontman in Marc. 12 songs, on which Grewe with the full vocal range of his skills and the most diverse vocal performance of his career puts the black-golden crown of a poison and bile-spewing king of the underworld, are waiting to blow a fresh wind of devastation through your brain.  The band's great joy in playing makes it unmistakably clear that Deimos' Dawn are something special. So special, in fact, that former Sodom guitarist and jack-of-all-trades Andy Brings had to write (nearly) all lyrics and produce Grewe's vocals out of sheer enthusiasm for the concept and songs. Yes, had to!  With "Anthem Of The Lost" Deimos' Dawn undoubtedly write a new, strong chapter in the big book of Thrash Metal!

Mandragora Thuringia - Rex Silvarum - CD
Von Sagen, Schlachten und Trinkgelagen ! Mit Mandragora Thuringia und ihrem zweiten Longplayer „Rex Silvarum“ schickt sich eine der vielversprechendsten deutschen Folk Metal Bands an, die Herzen von Fans mittelalterlicher Klänge im harten Metal Gewandt im Sturm zu erobern. Bereits der Vorgänger „Der Vagabund“ sorgte für einiges Aufsehen und bescherte der Band umfangreiche Präsenz auf Bühnen und Festivals. „Rex Silvarum“ bietet alles, was das Folk Metal Herz begehrt: Harte Gitarrenklänge gepaart mit volkstümlichen Instrumenten erzeugen eine mitreißende Stimmung zwischen brachialen, metallischen Parts und tanzbaren, treibenden Dudelsack- und Akkordeonmelodien. Abgerundet wird das Ganze mit epischen Keyboards, Chören oder Streichern, welche die Emotionen der Lieder tragen und Gänsehaut verbreiten. Das Album enthält 13 abwechslungsreiche Songs, die Geschichten aus alten Tagen erzählen, von Schlachten berichten oder zum Trinken einladen. Setzt euch zu den Thüringern ans Lagerfeuer und lauscht ihren unwiederstehlichen Melodien. Aufgenommen in den Splendid Wave Studios von Dom R. Crey (Equilibrium, Nothgard) und gemastert von Andre Hofman (Varg, Wolfchant) gibts zudem noch Gastauftritte von Dom R. Crey und Robse Dahn. Rex Silvarum - der König des Waldes gewährt euch eine Audienz! TRACKLIST01. Frühling02. Ausbruch'03. Falkenflug04. Kreaturen der Nacht05. Sunufatarungo06. Rex Silvarum07. Waldgeflüster08. Amygdala (feat. Dom R. Crey)09. Grünes Meer10. Kriegerbarden11. Trollmelodie12. Linde (feat. Robert 'Robse' Dahn)13. Herbst

CASSIUS KING - Dread The Dawn - CD
All Hail to the King!  Dan Lorenzo (ex-Hades, Non Fiction, Patriarchs In Black) ist eine fleischgewordene Riff Maschine, oder wie die Fachpresse ihm oft bescheinigte: Seine Meisterschaft in der Kunst echte, lebensnahe Riffs zu schreiben ist unübertroffen! Mit „Dread To Dawn“ treten Cassius King auf ihrem Zweitlingswerk erneut den Beweis dieser Aussage an.  Auf 11 Songs wälzt sich das Quartett durch schleppende, ergreifende Melodien, umschlungen von den markanten Vocals von Jason McMaster (Watchtower, Dangerous Toys), welche dem Gesamtsound eine authentische Tiefe verleihen und getrieben von den erbarmungslosen Grooves eines Ron Lipnicki (ex-Overkill, Whiplash). Cassius King ist ein vertontes Gefühl, welchem man mit den Oberbegriffen Doom und Stoner eigentlich nicht gerecht werden kann. Mit dem Release von „Dread To Dawn“ beweisen die Herren zudem, dass es sich bei Cassius King um deutlich mehr handelt, als ein einmalig konstruiertes All-Star Projekt. Zählt man Dan Lorenzos gleichnamiges Solo Album aus dem Jahr 2004 mit, ist der Nachfolger des letztjährigen „Field Trip“ bereits der dritte Longplayer in nahezu identischer Besetzung. Wer sich von den vorliegenden Songs in die Tiefe reißen lässt, wird unwillkürlich hoffen, dass es nicht das letzte seiner Art ist.  TRACKLIST 1. Abandon Paradise 2. As I Beginn To Turn 3. Back From The Dead 4. Genesis 5. Royal Blooded 6. Pariah To Messiah 7. Dread The Dawn 8. How The West Was Won 9. Doomsday Hand 10. Bad Man Down 11. Troubleshooter  running time: 49:41 min


mehr melodic death

BOSPARANS FALL - Live At Aaargh Festival 2024 - CD
Die süddeutschen Rollenspiel Death Metaller haben auf dem diesjährigen Aaargh Festival eine überzeugende Umsetzung ihres Konzeptalbums "Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten" abgeliefert und veröffentlichen den Mitschnitt nun als Livealbum!  1. Intro 2. Rondra 3. Dunkle Zeiten 4. Bosparans Zinnen 5. Schwarzmagier Xardas 6. Firun 7. Praios 8. Ifirns Heim 9. Interlude 10. Kampf um Norbeneck 11. Alrik Immerda 12. Rondras Segen 13. Goldene Blüten auf blauem Grund

SUIDAKRA - DarkanakraD - VINYL 12" LP
Back to the roots?! Exactly 30 years to the month after the band was founded, German melodic/Celtic death metallers SUIDAKRA present their 15th studio album! Musically, the band seem to be returning to their early years with these 11 tracks, as DarkanakraD is undoubtedly dominated by melodic death metal parts, but at the same time also undergoes further development. The album, whose title translates as “Armageddon”, sounds as fresh and powerful as if the band had sprung from a fountain of youth and concludes the “Realms Of Odoric” trilogy, which began in 2016 with the album of the same name. The 11 songs, recorded, mixed and mastered for the first time by mastermind Arkadius himself at his own GHA Studio in Würzburg, were mastered by death metal legend Dan Swanö. This was something of a dream come true for Arkadius, as Edge Of Sanity played a formative role in the musical and melodic direction of the band in Suidakra's early days. With an At The Gates medley at the end of the record, Suidakra also pay tribute to another influence of their founding years.  The content concept, as well as the corresponding artwork, was once again created by Kris Verwimp and so “Darkankrad” contains everything that has shaped the band over the last 30 years and is an album that could not have been a better present for the band's anniversary, both for themselves and their die-hard fans! 

SUIDAKRA - DarkanakraD - lim. DigiPak
Back to the roots?! Exactly 30 years to the month after the band was founded, German melodic/Celtic death metallers SUIDAKRA present their 15th studio album! Musically, the band seem to be returning to their early years with these 11 tracks, as DarkanakraD is undoubtedly dominated by melodic death metal parts, but at the same time also undergoes further development. The album, whose title translates as “Armageddon”, sounds as fresh and powerful as if the band had sprung from a fountain of youth and concludes the “Realms Of Odoric” trilogy, which began in 2016 with the album of the same name. The 11 songs, recorded, mixed and mastered for the first time by mastermind Arkadius himself at his own GHA Studio in Würzburg, were mastered by death metal legend Dan Swanö. This was something of a dream come true for Arkadius, as Edge Of Sanity played a formative role in the musical and melodic direction of the band in Suidakra's early days. With an At The Gates medley at the end of the record, Suidakra also pay tribute to another influence of their founding years.  The content concept, as well as the corresponding artwork, was once again created by Kris Verwimp and so “Darkankrad” contains everything that has shaped the band over the last 30 years and is an album that could not have been a better present for the band's anniversary, both for themselves and their die-hard fans! 

SUIDAKRA - DarkanakraD - CD (Jewelcase)
Back to the roots?! Exactly 30 years to the month after the band was founded, German melodic/Celtic death metallers SUIDAKRA present their 15th studio album! Musically, the band seem to be returning to their early years with these 11 tracks, as DarkanakraD is undoubtedly dominated by melodic death metal parts, but at the same time also undergoes further development. The album, whose title translates as “Armageddon”, sounds as fresh and powerful as if the band had sprung from a fountain of youth and concludes the “Realms Of Odoric” trilogy, which began in 2016 with the album of the same name. The 11 songs, recorded, mixed and mastered for the first time by mastermind Arkadius himself at his own GHA Studio in Würzburg, were mastered by death metal legend Dan Swanö. This was something of a dream come true for Arkadius, as Edge Of Sanity played a formative role in the musical and melodic direction of the band in Suidakra's early days. With an At The Gates medley at the end of the record, Suidakra also pay tribute to another influence of their founding years.  The content concept, as well as the corresponding artwork, was once again created by Kris Verwimp and so “Darkankrad” contains everything that has shaped the band over the last 30 years and is an album that could not have been a better present for the band's anniversary, both for themselves and their die-hard fans! 

BATTLESWORD - (XX)V - Of Tales And Tragedies CD
Old School Melodic Death Metal Highlight ! Seit 25 Jahren ziehen BATTLESWORD nun schon ihre Kreise durch schwermetallische Gefilde und legen zu diesem Anlass ihren fünften Longplayer vor, welcher in seinem Titel "(XX)V" sowohl auf das Jubiläum, als auch die Albumnummer anspielt. Auch den Zusatz „Of Tales And Tragedies“ kann man getrost als Anlehnung an die Historie der Band und der Dinge die man in so einer Zeitspanne durchlebt deuten. Musikalisch machen Battlesword unbeirrt dort weiter wo sie zum Glück nie aufgehört haben: Es gibt den typischen Battlesword Sound, der immer mal wieder durch neue Elemente erweitert wurde. Von fast doomigen Parts bis hin zu gnadenlosen Blasts wird die stilistische Abwechslung einerseits nicht überstrapaziert, ist aber dennoch vielschichtig genug um bei den 11 Songs über die komplette Laufzeit nie Langeweile aufkommen zu lassen. Wie schon beim Vorgänger wurde „(XX)V“  im Big Easy Studio in Hennef von Michael "Freio" Haas aufgenommen und gemixt, während man das Mastering erneut in die Hände von Dan Swanö gelegt hat.  Ein Novum in der Battlesword Historie ist übrigens, dass es bei „(XX)V - Of Tales And Tragedies“ keine Änderungen im Line-Up gegeben hat und man sich beim Song "Brethren Of The Sword" quasi eine Hommage an sich selbst erlaubt und gegönnt hat. Darüberhinaus gibt es natürlich nach wie vor genau das, was man von einem zünftigen Melodic Death Metal,- und einem Battlesword Album im speziellen - erwartet. 

FINAL CRY - Zombique - CD
New edition of the completely sold-out 2018 album by Lower Saxony melodic death/thrashers Final Cry. With "Zombique", the band made an impressive comeback after 11 years of radio silence and released the rawest and heaviest album in their history to date. Guitarist Eiko, who took over the vocals in the meantime, characterizes this album with deep growls (rather unusual for Final Cry up to this point) and contributes a lot to the fact that the content concept, which revolves around voodoo cults and zombie stories among the Caribbean slaves with partly historically documented protagonists and their influence up to the Haitian revolution, also unfolds musically in full brutality.  Recorded and produced under the direction of Jost Schlüter at Pure Sonic Studios in Langelsheim, "Zombique" also features all of the band's trademarks that have grown over the years: merciless riffing, high tempos, great melodies and guitarist Eiko Truckenbrodt's almost unmistakable solos.  "Zombique" is a prime example of how a band should come back after a long break: With a punch right in the face! This re-released version of the comeback album features a slightly modified cover artwork. 

Doom Death with old school vibes! Welcome To Pleshiwar, which was only founded in 2021, already caused quite a stir in the German metal scene with their EP "Unsolved", which was released in the same year as their formation, and also received a lot of positive feedback from the trade press for their first sign of life. No wonder, because the band consists entirely of proven scene veterans, who were previously active in bands such as Reawacan, Lacrima Christi, Immortalis and others. With "Apostasy" the full length debut of the quartet is now available and already a look at the track lengths between 6 and 7 minutes gives an idea of what you have to deal with musically: Dragging Death Doom, which cannot deny its influences of the genre greats of the 90s, is written large here and enriched with progressive passages to a great listening experience. Welcome To Pleshiwar has succeeded in transporting the vibe of the 90s into the modern era and serving up a contemporary album with "Apostasy", thus building a bridge between their own roots and the modern age. The production (mix & master) by Andy Classsen at Stage One does the rest to make this album a captivating experience.

SARLIC BLISS - Brægn Hæft - CD
Atmospheric, Dark and Doomy The year 2021, in the midst of the Covid pandemic, turns out in retrospect to be a year for promising band formations. Sarlic Bliss also have their origins here. In this case, too, we are dealing with musicians active in the scene for many years, who apparently were looking for a new activity for self-realization. In this case, among others, Daniel Fischer (Midnattsol) and Jochen Turn (Bann) are involved. With "Brægn Hæft" the full length debut of the quintet is now available, which brings it with only 6 songs to a stately length of over 45 minutes, whereby it should be clear that the fellows obviously take the necessary time to let a song unfold. Not surprisingly, the sound is characterized by dark, aggressive-melancholic sounds, melodically underpinned by the interplay of growls and clean vocals. The band itself sees itself somewhere between Doom-/, Post-Black-/ and Death-Metal at home and put in their lyrics deliberately with Old English language elements to reflect the atmosphere of the music even more authentic. The present debut is dark, brute and poignant at the same time. Both the recordings and the production were done by the band themselves. "Brægn Hæft" is not least therefore an album as if from a single mold on which the band has portrayed and realized itself without compromise.

Intense Heavyness! When the musical jack-of-all-trades Rogga Johansson (Furnace, Paganizer) gets ready to launch a new project, you can be sure that you are dealing with the very essence of Swedish death metal. At least instrumentally, the heavy, dragging rhythms and catchy melodies are also the solid foundation of Astrophyte.  And yet, in this case, something is different: With Indii Hofvander (Tristitia), who already contributed a guest appearance to a Johansson project on the Furnace album "Stellarum", "2192" is characterised by a haunting, almost pleading, female voice for large parts of the album - and thus contributes, along with Mike Hubrovcaks growls, not insignificantly to the oppressively heavy overall atmosphere of the album. "2192" is a suffocating album, characterised by the typical trademarks of Nordic death metal of the nineties, which also has a number of finesses in store. The album follows a concept based on the role-playing game of the Mutant Chronicles World, for which bassist Fredrik Petersson is responsible and which paints a dystopian picture of a dark future.

ALL LIFE ENDS - Miscreation - CD
Old school meets modern extreme! ALL LIFE ENDS from switzerland, founded in 2006, have always offered their listeners a mixture of pure, heavy, old-school death with influences of modern extreme metal and have since inspired metalheads who love uncompromising death metal with technical but also traditional influences with melodic parts and sophisticated guitar solos. The release of their 2020 full-length debut "The Plague of Man" coincided with the beginning of the Covid pandemic, which meant that a planned tour through Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic had to be cancelled. However, the band were not idle during the pandemic and used the time to work on the successor "Miscreation", which is now available here. With a brute sound and extremely impressive artwork, "Miscreation", which was mixed and mastered by Dan Swanö, promises to be a real highlight for fans of the genre.

BOSPARANS FALL - Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten - limited Boxset /w DigiPak
NOTE: Boxset ist only available at Bands Bandcamp LIMITED PREMIUM BOX!  Only this box contains (besides a noble DigiPak) the antagonist of the album as a limited game/collector's figure as well as a 192-piece puzzle, which represents one of the locations of the album in the form of a map. The complete box contents: - noble aluminium box - 4-piece DigiPak in special design (incl. 12-page booklet) - approx. 30x40cm, 192 piece puzzlemap "Xarda's Unterschlupf (eng: hideout)- Xardas game/collectible figure (tabletop 28mm) - printed patch with album cover (ca 10x10cm) - DIN A6 card / autograph card Role Play Melodic Death Metal! Bosparans Fall have been on the metal scene for several years under different names and in other constellations, but only reformed as an RPG metal project in 2022. Conceptually, the band moves in Aventuria, a fantasy world from the German-language pen & paper role-playing game "Das Schwarze Auge". Musically, the quintet, which will also elaborately implement the role-playing game theme in their live shows, has dedicated itself to melodic death metal, although various other and adjacent extreme metal genres also find their influences. With their present Full Lenght debut, Bosparans Fall write the first part of a story designed as a trilogy around the warrior Alrik Immerda, 1019 years after the battle on Bosparans battlements, drawn into the preparations of the ancient rituals that have been going on for almost two decades ... "Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten" comes over you like a storm and draws you in with its ingenious narrative strands and arrangements. By the way, parts of the story, such as the character of the protagonist, were designed in close consultation with the DSA community on various internet boards. The musical saga was mixed and mastered by Michael Kraxenberger at Sick Of Sound, and the band itself was responsible for the graphic realisation of the concept.

BOSPARANS FALL - Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten - CD
Role Play Melodic Death Metal! Bosparans Fall have been on the metal scene for several years under different names and in other constellations, but only reformed as an RPG metal project in 2022. Conceptually, the band moves in Aventuria, a fantasy world from the German-language pen & paper role-playing game "Das Schwarze Auge". Musically, the quintet, which will also elaborately implement the role-playing game theme in their live shows, has dedicated itself to melodic death metal, although various other and adjacent extreme metal genres also find their influences. With their present Full Lenght debut, Bosparans Fall write the first part of a story designed as a trilogy around the warrior Alrik Immerda, 1019 years after the battle on Bosparans battlements, drawn into the preparations of the ancient rituals that have been going on for almost two decades ... "Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten" comes over you like a storm and draws you in with its ingenious narrative strands and arrangements. By the way, parts of the story, such as the character of the protagonist, were designed in close consultation with the DSA community on various internet boards. The musical saga was mixed and mastered by Michael Kraxenberger at Sick Of Sound, and the band itself was responsible for the graphic realisation of the concept.

BATTLESWORD - Towards The Unknown CD
Melodic Old School Death Metal strikes back ! With "Towards The Unknown", the German melodic death metal institution Battlesword returns with new material in the twenty-third year of its existence and proves that they are far from being old hat and certainly not willing to think about retirement. On the contrary - on the new material the concentrated load of experience breaks through in the form of an energetic steamroller that threatens to bury everything in its path. With their distinctive mix of melodic death and Scandinavian old school, the band manages to write songs that have classic potential from the very first riff, seemingly effortlessly even in 2022. "Towards The Unknown" was recorded and produced by Michael "Freio" Haas in April/May at Big Easy Studio in Hennef. For the mastering, the band turned to a master of the genre this time and so none other than Dan Swanö refined the album. In addition to new material, "Towards The Unknown" contains the songs from the "The 13th Black Crusade" maxi, which has been out of print for many years, as a bonus which als also been remastered for this purpose! TRACKLIST 1. Departure 2. The Awakening 3. To Become The Wolf 4. Terra Combusta 5. The Shores Of I 6. Hound Of Hades 7. Backstabber - Bonus Tracks - 8. There Will Be Blood 9. Fire And Storm 10. The 13th Black Crusade

Suidakra – Eternal Defiance Digipak CD

Suidakra – Book Of Dowth CD

Omnium Gatherum – New World Shadows CD

VERMOCRACY - Age Of Dysphoria CD
Dark melodic death metal ! Vermocracy from Vienna, founded in 2017, already caused quite a stir in the underground with their self-titled debut, released in 2020. The band has undoubtedly dedicated itself to dark melodic death metal, as a nod to the genre greats of the 90s. Stylistically and in terms of content, the band draws a dystopian picture of the failure and decay of modern society with powerful riffs, earthy grooves and bestial vocals. With "Age Of Dysphoria", the band consistently continues the path they have taken since their foundation and delivers an album that sets new standards in the band's history, both technically and compositionally. Aggressiveness paired with the necessary groove, playful melodies combined with powerful harshness and all that, despite a clear homage to the melodic death metal of the nineties, with a contemporary freshness and great joy of playing characterises the album, which lyrically deals with the desolation and hopelessness of today. Age Of Dysphoria" was recorded, produced and mastered in Norbert Leitner's studio in Vienna, which gives the band a more than powerful sound, which is further enhanced by the artwork by Armin Stocker, who also gives the whole thing a fitting visual framework. Vermocracy will definitely be a force to be reckoned with in the years to come! TRACKLIST 01. Intro 02. Necrocracy 03. World Of Wounds 04. The Void's Embrace 05. Opposed Evolution 06. Grace Of Hypnos 07. Perpetual Flood 08. The Pyre 09. In Darkness Let Me Dwell

Dark Tranquillity - Construct CD
Innovative, atmospheric change ... With their tenth studio album "Construct", the then spearhead of Swedish melodic death metal Dark Tranqullity are heaviely struggled. The band suffered from writer's block in the run-up and also disagreed for a long time about how the new album should sound at all. In the end, a quite extraordinary album was created directly in the studio, on which above all many small details, different moods and a sound-based atmosphere were in the foreground. Many die-hard fans, expecting a melodic death metal milestone, were alienated by the more experimental tones of the album and so it quickly fell out of focus among purists. In retrospect it has to be said: unjustified, because it has an emotional depth that perfectly reflects the mood in which the band found themselves in the run-up to the creation process. So "Construct" is ultimately 100% a Dark Tranquillity album that is worthy of being put in perspective and duly considered again in 2022.

Dark Tranquillity - Yesterworlds CD
Innovative Melodic Death Metal art made in Sweden... We go on a journey through time to the primordial soup of Swedish melodic death metal. If Gothenburg is the destination, there is no way around Dark Tranquillity. Together with In Flames, the guys spearheaded a whole movement that sparked a revolution in the following years. Both bands changed vocalists at the beginning of their career among themselves and then conquered the metal and music charts of the world. The first demo recordings presented here, however, do not yet show where the journey will lead. The songs are raw, wild and full of the urge to discover. The songs of the first demos, collected here on "Yesterworlds", represent the short time window in which the band created their very own style. This collection of demos contains additional liner notes by guitarist Niklas Sundin, as well as the artwork for A Moonclad Reflection 7", for which he was also responsible at the time. Ladies and Gentlemen... "We are the outstretched fingers, that seize and hold the wind" ...with this lyric excerpt from "Punish My Heaven" we release you on a musical journey into the past. Track Infos: Track 1-4: „Trail Of Life Decayed“ Demo Track 5-6: „A Moonclad Reflection“ 7“ Track 7-9: Previous unreleased Promo-Tape 1994 Track 10: Original released on the legendary W.A.R. Compilation Vol. 1 from 1994 TRACKLIST 01. Midwinter (Intro) 0.56 02. Beyond Enlightment 4.49 03. Vernal Awakening 5.22 04. Void Of Tranquillity 7.36 05. Unfurled By Dawn 7.24 06. Yesterworld 7.56 07. Punish My Heaven 4.43 08. Away, Delight, Away 5.19 09. The Gallery 4.11 10. Punish My Heaven 4.37 running time: 52.53

Dragonbreed - Necrohedron CD
A step back in history and two steps forwards... What lasts a long time becomes one! The history of the melodic death metal flagships Graveworm and Suidakra has always been closely connected. They started out on the same label, toured together and developed deep friendships that have lasted until today. It happened that during the songwriting for the current Suidakra longplayer "Wolfbite" several songs came up that didn't really fit to Suidakra, but with their raw sound, groove and melodies they brought back memories of the old times at the beginning of the nineties and demanded to be released. So Akki and Zachi (the former Suidakra bassist) knocked on the door of some old companions to complete the time travel experiment and were joined by Graveworm singer Stefano Fiori. They were completed by current Suidakra members Sebastian and Ken to unleash this debut album on mankind. So it's no surprise that "Necrohedron" sounds exactly like this: raw, inspired by the spirit of their early years together, paired with the skills and finesse of today! Cover artist Kris Verwimp (Suidakra, Marduk, Immortal, Arch Enemy, among others) was also immediately on fire and is responsible for the cover artwork as well as the lyrics. Fot this he used a concept story that had been lying dormant in his drawer for a long time and fitted Dragonbreed like a glove. The band has the claim not only to be a one-off "project", but also to aspire to the stages of this world with their well thought-out concept. TRACKLIST 01. The Undying 02. Summoning The Arcane 03. The World Beyond 04. Sinister Omen 05. Dawn Of Calamity 06. Offerings From Yonder 07. Curse Of The Forlorn 08. A Reconstruction Of Aeons Obscure

Final Cry - The Ever-Rest CD
Epic Melodic Thrash/Death Metal Highlight! For more than 30 years, FINAL CRY have been a constant part of the German metal scene and now present their sixth longplayer with the mountaineering epic "The Ever-Rest". On it, the band once again succeeds in reinventing themselves without losing sight of their roots. Their sound, still rooted in thrash metal, captivates with merciless riffing, raging drums and a great feeling for melodies and atmosphere and builds a bridge between the classic thrash of the 80s and the dark Scandinavian death to black metal styles of the 90s. The new man on the mic not only gives the band's sound a new touch with his nasty screams and growls, but also fits the album's deadly, frosty scenario like a glove. The overall concept of "The Ever-Rest" is rounded off by a 20-page story booklet, which contains the real-life stories underlying each individual song. For some backing vocals and choirs, which support the epic depth of the theme, Herbie Langhans (AVANTASIA) and Børd Wäsche (EYE SEE BLACK) could also be won. "The Ever-Rest" was produced at Soundlodge Studio by Jörg Uken and is undoubtedly a highlight in the quintet's oeuvre and should delight both old and new fans of the band from Lower Saxony. As a bonus, "Words Unspoken", one of their all-time classics from 1994, has been re-recorded and ported into the new millennium.

Fearancy - Daemonium CD
Don't fear the Austrians! Fearancy was founded in Styria in 2014 and mixed elements of thrash, melodic death, groove and industrial metal on their debut album "Paranoia", which was released in 2016. In the following years, the guys gained a good reputation as a live band with several shows at home and abroad, before they started working on the follow-up album. The result of this work is now available in the form of "Dæmonium", which is much heavier than the quartet's early days. Even if the origins in the thrashmetal like thunderstorm riffing or the groovy mosh parts can still be heard, the songs on "Dæmonium" can also be unhesitatingly united under the term modern melodic death metal. Friends of bone-dry neckbreakers will definitely get their money's worth and especially live, the new songs should ensure a lot of movement in the pit. The 10 songs were recorded at the Romes studio in Hartberg, Austria, while the mix and mastering was done by none other than J-F Dagenais (KATAKLYSM), who put the finishing touches on the whole thing at JFD Studios in Texas. Diego Gedoz de Souza (Hatebreed, Cypress Hill, Heathen, among others) is responsible for the artwork. TRACKLIST 1. Last Disease 2. Rise And Fall 3. Dæmonium 4. All Is Lost 5. Sacrifice 6. Voices 7. Instincts 8. Rise Again 9. Coldened 10. Agony

SUIDAKRA - Wolfbite Digipak CD (Release June, 25th)
Suidakra 2.0? 1000 percent Suidakra! After more than 25 years of history and more than 13 studio albums as well as worldwide tours, can a band reinvent itself or even release the unexpected? Well, Suidakra may not reinvent themselves completely in 2021, but on their new album "Wolfbite" they create a mixture of all their past musical work and a fresh breeze, which gives the impression that the band has risen from a fountain of youth. "Wolfbite" is bursting with power, uncompromisingness and joy of playing. The collaboration with Aljoscha Sieg (Eskimo Callboy, Vitja, Gestört aber GeiL), which is certainly untypical for die-hard fans, results in a breathtaking, lively sound, which from the very first note makes any scepticism about whether Suidakra still sound like Suidakra in 2021 evaporate. With the proven concept story from the "Realms Of Odoric" cosmos, lyrically and visually realised by Kris Verwimp, of course, "Suidakra 2.0" presents itself in a form that even old fans probably wouldn't have dreamed of. With "Wolfbite", Suidakra succeed in travelling from the past into the future and surely present one of THE albums of the year 2021. "As a fanboy since the debut, I am of course proud to be able to release the band's most mature work. Check out all the old albums and you will hear 100% Suidakra. But what is Wolfbite then? One thousand percent Suidakra? Album of the year - basta! Nothing beats that." - Markus Roesner / CEO, MDD Records TRACKLIST 01. A Life In Chains 02. The Inner Wolf 03. Darcanian Slave 04. Faoladh 05. Crossing Over 06. Vortex Of Carnage 07. Resurgence 08. Redemption 09. A Shrine For The Ages running time: 45:32
